July 29, 2012

Favorite TV Sitcom Night at #NipClub Aug. 2, 2012

Sitcom television helps us unwind and relax after a hard day. It's an old friend, a smile on our face, something we can all relate to and share, and basically it's a timeline from generation to generation. You can tell the general age of someone just by knowing what they're favorite sitcoms are. 

And what is great, is that no matter how bad current TV shows may get, there are always decades of reruns of SitCom TV to fall back on. Take a minute and enjoy this classic clip from Seinfeld:


 So this week at #NipClub let's have fun and share our favorite sitcoms!!  Come in character as your favorite sitcom actor, and act out scenes together. Imagine Ginger from Gilligans Island pawtying with Newman from Seinfeld and Hawkeye from M*A*S*H while Sam from Cheers makes them a drink and Dr. Frasier Crane psychoanalyzes them all?

@RealFakeGator and #NipClub Outfitters will help you get into character if you need assistance, and of course, as usual, you are ALWAYS welcome in your own natural fur!!

@Winstontabby and @Crybabkit

Remember the neighbor on Home Improvement-
Can you tell who that is?

@GeorgetheDuck and @OwentheTonk

@DoggyMolly is Monica from friends.

@Spanielopolis is Lisa Douglas from Green Acres

Enjoy this classic CHEERS scene of Frasier Crane and Woody

And what's really great is that this #NIpClub theme is universal!! In fact, many Americans LOVE British sitcoms as much as the one's we grew up with!! Just ask @ShaynaCat about Are You Being Served, CHEF, Keeping Up Appearances, Black Adder, Fawlty Towers, Mr. Bean, The Thin Blue Line, The Young Ones, Absolutely Fabulous.... just a few of the fabulous BBC sitcoms loved on both sides of the ocean!!

Here's a great scene from Are You Being Served a 70's sitcom from England that is STILL being broadcast every week in both the UK and America.

And here's a great scene from The BLACK ADDER which towards the end of the clip features HUGH Laurie whom we later come to know as House M.D.


July 27, 2012

Who was There Catmas in July

Some of pur great pals that hung out at Nipclub for Christmas in July





Bad Andy





Winston and CrybabrKit


Tiny Pearl

Tinn Cat


Tattle Cat



Dog Molly



Gator and Marta

George the Duck






Pixel Doggy



DC Kitty and Nascar Kitty

Nancy Cake Face

Mizz Bassie

Meow Girls



Leoblue 31

Kitten Boi



Others that were there:



Woooohoomeow! Love it! And it isn't even everyone, thank you so much for coming to #Nipclub

Also a cool recipe for Egg Nog Cupcakes CLICK HERE

St. Patrick's Day Celebration #Nipclub Thursday, March 13, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We are off to Irel...