August 31, 2012

#NipClub Renaissance Faire Sept. 1, 2012

Welcome to #NipClub Renaissance Faire. As you listen to the great song above, think about the friends you've made here. Renaissance Faires and #NipClub are both about setting aside differences, blocking out everyday strife and living that perfect fantasy life!! So without further adieu we welcome you and wish HEALTH TO THE COMPANY!!

Please drop your change in for the rescue dogs if you can.
Hail and well met lords and ladies. It is with great pride that #NipClub does present to you an after noon in Elizabethan England at our very own Renaissance Faire!!

Saturday Sept. 1st from 2pm to 5pm EDT

Your Hosts:

@LadyGreyFox (Cassidy)

Sir Tiger Tommy (@theNascarKitty)

What is a Renaissance Faire?
A Ren Faire is a fantasy event where you get to forget the modern world and the trials and tribulations of everyday life. You can become ANYBODY or anything you want and live out that fantasy in a setting where nobody will judge you or gawk at you or think you're crazy. 

Our #NipClub Renaissance Faire is set in the year 1599 in England, during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 1 who is the most amazing of rulers and proved to the world that an educated woman could lead her country better than any man and restore the glory that had been lost. 

What Should you expect at a Ren Faire?
Here are a few video's and web site to help you!!. 
These videos are from Wisconsin's Bristol Renaissance Faire. One of America's Biggest and Best!!
It is @TheNascarKitty's families home faire!!


So put on your Elizabethan gear (or your own glorious fur if you wish) and come join us for 3 hours  of great music, terrific food, strong drink and fun. We are going to PAWTY LIKE IT'S 1599



Ye Olde Menu:
Sauteed Mushroom Grilled Cheese

Steak on a Stake

Turkey Legs & Steak on a Stake (model is the lovely
Mia of @4CatsTweets)

Full Bar with the best meads, ales, grog,
whiskys and brandys.

Fresh made Sassafass

Cheese Fritters

Baked French Onion Soup in a bread bowl
Bread Bowl

Apple Tarts
Meat Pies

Rennaissance Tuna Casserole Recipe CLICK HERE

Turkey Legs
Turkey Legs

Funnel Cake
Bacon Wrapped Fire Grilled Asparagus

Bangers and Mash

Carmel Apple Cake

FruitCakes (the high alcohol content is to help
preserve them...not for "getting drunk....honest...MOL)


Another GREAT video courtesy of @LadyGreyFox

Help the abandoned, neglected, and stray doxies of Furever Dachshund Rescue get care and new forever homes. To Chip in CLICK HERE For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE. To Donate directly to the charity CLICK HERE. Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
To read more about Furever Dachshund Rescue CLICK HERE or ask when they're on Twitter @4EverDoxiRescue.

Much thank you to everyone who donated to Furever Dachshund Rescue.
Deeply appreciated and helpful!

Who was There Tall Ship Reggata

Please drop your change in for the rescue dogs if you can.
Some of our fine friends that helps us race tall ships thru the ocean.


Amazing and so fun. Thank you to all who was there!

Help the abandoned, neglected, and stray doxies of Furever Dachshund Rescue get care and new forever homes. To Chip in CLICK HERE For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE. To Donate directly to the charity CLICK HERE. Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
To read more about Furever Dachshund Rescue CLICK HERE or ask when they're on Twitter @4EverDoxiRescue.

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...