June 23, 2015

Summers Here!! Hit the Beach at #NipClub June 25, 2015 TiggyBean Bon Fire

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia. Every penny helps! Thanks!

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The calendar tells us that SUMMER is offically here, and it's time to get out for some fresh air and sunshine at the beach. Join us Thursday for a great time next to the water with ALL the usual #NipClub  music, noms, and drinks offered right there on the beach!! But first an announcement about our Independance Day #NipClub.......

Special Announcement: Thursday July 2nd, 2015  is our American Independance Day Pawty Which we will celebrate with a SPECIAL #NipClub location opening in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Which is historically AMERICA's Original City. The birthplace of Freedom, The Home of the Declaration of Independance AND the Constitution!! The Site of the original US Capitol and many historical events. 

Thanks to @Cinnimini2 we've decided it's the perfect place for the next branch location!! 

So Start thinking of that special costume for next week. Perhaps you'll be Ben Franklin, or another early American Patriot? Be creative, or just be yourself (because your own natural fur is always fine here too). If you need help, just ask @RealFakeGator and his crew at #NipClubOutfitters.

And don't forget to come pawty at the beach with us THIS week!! 
@TheNascarKitty & his darling @DCKitty wait for
you on the beach. Come join them! Thursday night
Tonight we build a Bon Fire for our dear Barktender TiggyBean and also Boriskitty. Both are not feeeling well and need us to dance around the fire for them. 

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Join us for a great time at the Beach. Maybe you want to come as a surfer, a bathing beauty, a beach bum, a a fish, a lifeguard or coast guard member. Whatever you wish to be, we can help if you need it. Just ask @RealFakeGator and his staff at #NipClub Outfitters. Of course your own natural fur is ALWAYS welcome at #NipClub as well. Just come and have fun. 

@ChazzTheDog and @PepperPom enjoy the warm water together. 
@CathyKeisha & @TinyPearlCat swim with the dolphins. NO
you cannot have it cooked up for dinner. It's NOT a fish.


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Drinks and Nomms

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at
German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Directly to German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on their site Click Here
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on Twitter  HERE German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on FaceBook  HERE
Learn more about German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia HERE

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June 15, 2015

Help #NipClub Choose Future Themes Pawty June 18th, 2015

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia. Every penny helps! Thanks!
@TheNascarKitty works on #NipClub Business while flying home
from England after #NipClub Monthly. He'd love your help to
plan some upcoming pawties. Let  him know your ideas for themes. 

What a weekend!! We just finished a terrific #NipClub Monthly at Wimbledon, England. And just recently we held our huge 5th Anniversary Pawty which was one of our heaviest attended pawties in recent history. 

We Strive to bring you unique pawty experiences here at #NipClub and we'd love you to help us come up with new themes. 

This Thursday come enjoy the usual high quality music, food and drinks at #NipClub and let us know your ideas for upcoming themes. I'm Commissioning each Barktender and DJ to jot down your suggestions and send them to me. (Or you can just send them to @TheNascarKitty in a DM (if I'm not following you, let me know so I can fix that.)

If we use your theme, you may be asked to assist with planning, and, at the very least, be featured in our graphics. 
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Upcoming Events and Themes:

July 3rd Independance Day pre-pawty with Fireworks by @TinyPearlCat. The location will be coincide with the opening of a #NipClub branch in historic Philadelphia, the birthplace of modern America.....I can only imagine the fun...I hope @DoggyMolly doesn't "finish" cracking and Liberty Bell....This theme was suggested by @CinniMini2  who will be a special consultant.

TBA our annual Renaissance Faire in Elizabethan England co-hosted by @LadyGreyFox and myself.

TBA Car and Cycle Show to coincide with the opening of our "parking space" page where pals can show off their rides. 

The racing events are always a huge draw....we've done Tractors, off-Road, Beach Dune Buggies, Cars, ETC. What should we do next? 

The themes help draw more pals, and that helps us be more successful for our Charities. We have a lot to be proud of at #NipClub and we'd love your help. 

No theme is too "silly". TV/Movie Themes, Historical, Cultural or Location Themes, Seasonal events, sports...whatever you can think of. Let us know.

And, as always, THANKS for Pawtying with us at #NipClub!! 

#NipClub Manager & Founding Member 
Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at
German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Directly to German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on their site Click Here
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on Twitter  HERE German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on FaceBook  HERE
Learn more about German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia HERE
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June 13, 2015

Directions to the June 24 hour Nipclub Pawty #NCWT

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia. Every penny helps! Thanks!

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Time to play Tennis!
Time for the pawty is:
Saturday, June 13 at 2:00pm - Sunday, June 14 at 2:00pm (EDT)

To join in Simply search #NCWT on Twitter and use it when you chat with pals.
To get to the main site CLICK HERE
There you will find schedules, games and noms.

For activities CLICK HERE


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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at
German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Directly to German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on their site Click Here
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on Twitter  HERE German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on FaceBook  HERE
Learn more about German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia HERE
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June 7, 2015

June Dairy Night at @TheNascarKitty's Wisconsin Farm!! June 11, 2015

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia. Every penny helps! Thanks!
Every guest gets a free bag of  fresh "Squeaky" Cheese Curds!!

#NipClub Wisconsin. Nestled behind @TheNascarKitty's Dairy Farm in
Dodge County, Wisconsin. Come early, milk a cow, enjoy some fresh
dairy products, roll around in the hay, then pawty the night away. 
June is National Dairy Month and to celebrate America's Dairy industry, we're inviting you to south-central Wisconsin, to @TheNascarKitty's Dairy Farm. Wisconsin, known as America's Dairyland is famous for their cows, their milk, their world famous cheese, and their beautiful rolling landscape, sculpted a bajillion years ago by the glaciers. We'll let you drive tractors, milk cows, bale hay (if you ask the right person, perhaps see our secret NIP Baling process), eat and drink the BEST dairy products in the world, and then pawty away the night at our adjacent #NipClub Wisconsin Branch. 
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Do you want a special Avatar for the pawty? Perhaps dress as a farmer, or a farmers daughter? Maybe even as a cow or  driving a tractor? Whatever your imagination can dream up, the pals at #NipClub Outfitters can arrange. Just ask @RealFakeGator soon. They are busy. And don't forget, your own natural fur, feathers, or skin is always welcome at #NipClub.

Wisconsin's @RealFakeGator helps milk some cows.

@TinyPearlCat harvests some NIP for the pawty. We also harvest
Hay and fine grain for our cows. (They don't eat Nip). Wisconsin
cows are fed the best grains and proteins to make the best
tasting milk products you will ever taste. 

@TheNascarKitty checks the pastures on one of his
favorite old tractors. Maybe he'll let you drive one! 
Watch Cows being milked at the State of the Art roundtable milking parlor.
The Cows get on one side, are fed a specially designed diet or grains,
Proteins, roughages and minerals metered out for each individual cow,
and are milked as the platform rotates. They get off on the other side
happy, fed and contented. Most cows are milked 3 times a day. 
Drive some antique tractors around. But don't be surprised if
while you're driving, @TheNascarKitty tricks you into doing
some field work or spreading manure. Farm work is hard
and any farmer is always glad to share the work.

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@WinstonTabby had a few "drinks" then decided he'd like some milk...
Don't worry, there's an easier way...our Barktenders will serve it up
cold and fresh in a clean glass. 
Wisconsin's @MarioDaCat models his Green
Bay Packer Cheesehead, while getting some
fresh milk for specialty cocktails. 
Later that night, after enjoying several of his
"milk based Cocktails" @MarioDaCat dreamed
he was a cow. Don't worry, we didn't milk him.

@kittehboi bales hay for the cows

Fresh Cold Milk. All you can drink.
Chocolate Milk Too!

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Milkshakes, Malts, Ice Cream Sundaes and Cones
Made to order!!!  Be creative!! 
Wisconsin Cheese! Hundreds of Varieties! Try them all!!

Fried Cheese Curds!!!
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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Directly to German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on their site Click Here
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on Twitter  HERE German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia on FaceBook  HERE
Learn more about German Shepherd Dog Rescue of Georgia HERE

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See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...