June 18, 2016

#NipClub Salutes America's Dairy Farmers June 23rd, 2016

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia.Every penny helps! Thanks!

Nestled in the country in lovely Dodge County Wisconsin, near Beaver Dam, #Nipclub Wisconsin rests in a former pasture on @TheNascarKitty's Dairy Farm. Make sure to be there for our Dairy Celebration.
Join us for a great celebration of America's Dairyland and enjoy June Dairy Days in Wisconsin where we'll show you the finest dairy products and a lot of other Wisconsin specialties (besides Cheese and Dairy we're known for Beer, Brats, being the origin of both the HAMBURGER and the ICE CREAM SUNDAE). Perhaps you'd like to come as a Dairy Cow? or a Farmer? maybe as a wedge of cheese? or WEARING a CHEESEHEAD hat?. Whatever you'd like to be, @RealFakeGator and his specialists at #NipClub Outfitters is sure to be able to help you out. 

A word from @TheNascarKitty: I grew up as a feral cat at a feed mill in Wisconsin. Surrounding us were scenes like in the picture above. I spent a LOT of time playing, sleeping and hunting at these farms. The big holstein cows look scary, but most of them LOVE cats...we are like furry hot water bottles when we lay on them. And...of course..there's the MILK!! The farmers always left a big tray of that days fresh milk (with the cream still in it of course) out for the kitties.  Even though Daddy (who worked at the Feed Mill) eventually took me to a forever home indoors, I got to spend 7 years being pampered as Mill Cat with a nice bed and food indoors at night, and free run of the farms during the day. HEAVEN!! Or so I thought...cuz once I had a comfy indoor home, I never wanted to go outside again and I never did. So while I look back fondly on my feral past....I am LUCKY to have found a home. Help those homeless animals find homes if you can.

June is National Dairy Month in America, and it's a great time to thank the hard working men, women, and ANIMALS who make sure we have a never ending supply of food, clothing, textiles, fertilizer, etc. 

#NipClub Pawties DOWN on the FARM


@TinyPearlCat harvesting extra NIP from our Nip Fields
@Kittehboi helps toss nip onto the trailer for transport
(oddly a couple bales came up missing MOL)

@TheNascarKitty Hauling Primo NIP to #NipClub for the pawty.

In the Past milking cows was a tiresome chore, done 2 to 3 times a day and required a lot of manual work, even with a high tech milking system. NOW, many farms are going to automated robot milkers. The cow actually comes into the parlor on her own when she feels she'd like to be milked, gets a meal specifically mixed for her while being milked. Watch the video below to see the wave of the future in dairy farming. 

Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream, Butter, who doesn't love the great wholesome taste of real Dairy? 
Well, This week at #NipClub we are going to whisk you away to lovely Wisconsin! America's Dairyland, and the home of great pals @RealFakeGator, @MarioDaCat, @HankTheDoggy @4Catstrapski, and ME! (@TheNascarKitty) and a lot of other pals!! 

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While we're all used to seeing farms dotting the landscape everywhere we go, we know many of you are far away from the nearest farm, so let us show off some of the pride of Wisconsin   and OF COURSE....we will make sure there is more than enough treats for you to enjoy the TASTE of WISCONSIN!

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Do you want a special Avatar for the pawty? Perhaps dress as a farmer, or a farmers daughter? Maybe even as a cow or  driving a tractor? Whatever your imagination can dream up, the pals at #NipClub Outfitters can arrange. Just ask @RealFakeGator soon. They are busy. And don't forget, your own natural fur, feathers, or skin is always welcome at #NipClub.

Wisconsin's @RealFakeGator helps milk some cows.

@TheNascarKitty checks the pastures on one of his
favorite old tractors. Maybe he'll let you drive one!
Drive some antique tractors around. But don't be surprised if
while you're driving, @TheNascarKitty tricks you into doing
some field work or spreading manure. Farm work is hard
and any farmer is always glad to share the work.

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@WinstonTabby had a few "drinks" then decided he'd like some milk...
Don't worry, there's an easier way...our Barktenders will serve it up
cold and fresh in a clean glass. 
Wisconsin's @MarioDaCat models his Green
Bay Packer Cheesehead, while getting some
fresh milk for specialty cocktails. 
Later that night, after enjoying several of his
"milk based Cocktails" @MarioDaCat dreamed
he was a cow. Don't worry, we didn't milk him.
A Taste of Wisconsin's Dairy Heritage:

MILK!!!! All you can drink!!! Enjoy! 
Yes, of course  there will be Ice Cream!! 
Hundreds of types of cheese. More than anywhere else in the world!!

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia 
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia on FaceBook  HERE
German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia on Twitter HERE
Learn more about German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia HERE

June 14, 2016

Wind down at #NipClub June 16th, 2016

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia.Every penny helps! Thanks!
This week at the world famous #NipClub Pawty Bar we're taking a week to sit back and wind down from the busy start to summer. AND to allow our staff to set up next weeks annual #NipClub Salute to America's Dairyland, June Dairy Month extravaganza on @TheNascarKitty's Wisconsin farm. 

So this week, pop on in and grab a barstool, order your favorite drinks and noms, reminisce about past pawties, dance with friends, and just have a great time. 

And start thinking about what costume you'll want for the big June 23rd June Dairy Month Pawty in Wisconsin. Will you be a farmer, a cow, a chicken, a tractor, or just yourself. If you need help ask @RealFakeGator of #NipClub Outfitters and he'll be glad to help. Wisconsin is also home to @RealFakeGator, @MarioDaCat @4CatStrapski and more, so you'll be well taken care of. 
Pawty til the cows come home? Don't be ridiculous, we'll be at #NIPCLUB and so should you!

Tonight @EdnaAtNutro's Panky & @EddieBabyCat
plan to do exactly what their t-shirts say!

The gang from @CherylPoeStone's enjoy a night out

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#NipClub has been very busy lately, so this week we're taking it easy, just sitting around
our friendly neighborhood bar, chatting, dancing, nomming, enjoying each other's friendship.

And because so many of us are worn out, or tired, exhausted, or depressed this time of year, we are stocking our buffet with COMFORT FOOD like Cheeseburgers, macaroni & Cheese, Chili, Meatloaf,
and of course ice cream and dessert!!

Macaroni & Cheese
Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes with Gravy
Cheeseburgers!!! Lots of them!!

Fried Chicken, Corn & Mashed Potatoes & Gravy

Pepperoni Pizza
Chef @TheNascarKitty's famous  Grilled Cheese with Ham & Egg Triple
Bacon Cheeseburger. Can you eat two?

Ice Cream Sundaes Made to Order!! Shakes and Malts too!

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia 
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia on FaceBook  HERE
German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia on Twitter HERE
Learn more about German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia HERE

June 5, 2016

Wine Tasting "Practice Session" before #NipClub Monthly June 9, 2016

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia.Every penny helps! Thanks!

#NipClub has long been known as the most innovative of bars and restaurants. I thought it was time to expand into being a world class wine bar as well, so, just in time for our Bordeaux Festival, I'd like to introduce our huge, fully stocked wine cellar. Climate controlled and stocked with the worlds best wines. @TheNascarKitty #NipClub Manager
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This months #NipClub Monthly Pawty is a Bordeaux Wine Festival, so this week we thought we'd spend Thursday evening "practicing" our wine tasting skills. Or, to put it in the words of @WinstonTabby "It'll be an ordinary evening" MOL. 

Wine is a special thing, unlimited amounts of flavors and ingredients and flavours, each with a unique character and use. So come to and try the techniques in this post  Thursday night, and then next weekend at #NipClub Monthly, you'll be ready to go. 


I'm so glad to add this new world class wine service to our state of the art bar. I've had all of our barktenders go through extensive training on proper wine handling and service. Rest assured that #NipClub will be THE place to enjoy wine. I guarantee it. @TinyPearlCat #NipClub Manager & Head Barktender

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia 
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia on FaceBook  HERE
German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia on Twitter HERE
Learn more about German Shepherd Dog Rescue Of Georgia HERE

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...