November 29, 2016

Where in the World are YOU? Pawty at #NipClub Dec. 1, 2016

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

#NipClub is worldwide. And although it seems we're all in the same spot, we are really from widely varied spots of the world. Different Cultures, different people and animals, hugely different climates. Different cuisine. And we bring all that together each week with a common urge to help animals while having a LOT of fun. 

So this week, we'll have a simple little theme at our pawty. We'd love to know where you're from, what climate is, what the traditional foods and customs are, your favorite landmarks. 

If you want a special avatar please let @RealFakeGator know so #NipClub Outfitters can get to work on it. Suggestions: Famous Landmarks, sports mascots, local foods, local flags. Be creative. 

Of course, some of you don't want to share your location for personal reasons, and that's fine. Share your "dream location" or just come as yourself and learn about others areas of the planet. 

During the pawty, pals are encouraged to hand out local foods and drinks, share pictures of local landmarks and customs. Brag up your area. 

I'll get the ball rolling:

Image result for wisconsin
Hi, I'm @TheNascarKitty (Tiger Tommy) and although I now live at #RainbowBridge with my darling @DCKitty, I come from a city in Wisconsin (USA) called Fond du Lac. 

Fond du Lac is famous for Lake Winnebago, the United States largest freshwater lake located within a state. It's about 25 miles long and 20 miles wide. Our very name means "Foot of the Lake". We are also famous for the invention of the "typewriter". Of course on a wider scale, Wisconsin is famous for COWS (Dairy Cows). We are America's Dairyland. The best CHEESE in the world comes from here. We are also known for the Milwaukee Brewers and Bucks, UW Madison Badgers, and, of course, the GREEN BAY PACKERS and HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycles. Not to mention MILLER BEER. As for food, nearly all of it revolves around cheese in some way or another. Come here for the Cheese, Bratwurst and Beer, Fish Fry's and  stay for the beautiful rural scenery. 
Related image
Beautiful Rural Farmland

Image result for wisconsin
Amazing wilderness for hunting, fishing, camping

Image result for milwaukee skyline
Beautiful Modern Cities

Every Friday is Fish Fry night in Wisconsin!! 
Wisconsin is also famous for musicians including: Liberace, Bunny Berigan, Steve Miller, The BoDeans, The Violent Femmes, Cheap Trick, Garbage, and many more.

Now, put on your thinking caps, and this week at the pawty, follow my example (if you wish) and share your home experiences with us. Perhaps we'll even compile them onto a blog in the future. #NipClub is worldwide! Let's prove it! 

WORLD photo globevtmtb.gif

 Drinks and Noms

Friends photo friendship_102_1.gif

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Black Cat Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Black Cat Rescue on FaceBook  HERE
Black Cat Rescue on Twitter HERE
Learn more about Black Cat Rescue HERE

November 20, 2016

Thanksgiving Self-Serve Buffet & Open Bar Nov. 24, 2016

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

#Nipclub invites everyone to join us for our Thanksgiving celebration on Thursday November 24th.  Even if you don't live in the US and celebrate Thanksgiving on this date, or don't celebrate the holiday at all, please stop by.

We're keeping our regular hours but will be giving our staff the day off.  Don't be too surprised though if some of them stop by to serve food and drinks, or to play tunes.  If no one is on duty, feel free to help yourself to the sumptuous buffet, the open bar and the free jukebox.

@Shaynacat has left her credit card in the hands of the very responsible @Lucky_GSD with her blessing, with instructions to spare no expense, with instructions to use it only in case of emergency, with instructions.  Let's just say, Lucky has Shayna's credit card.  

So... Come alone or invite your friends.  We're leaving the doors unlocked.  What could go wrong?

Thanksgiving 1964
#Nipclub runs out of tequila

Thanksgiving 2010
#Nipclub sets the record for most flaming shots poured at one time

Thanksgiving 2015
#Nipclub food fight

Food and Drinks

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Black Cat Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Black Cat Rescue on FaceBook  HERE
Black Cat Rescue on Twitter HERE
Learn more about Black Cat Rescue HERE 

November 16, 2016

Cozy and Comfortable Night

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

For those of us in the northern hemisphere it's that time of year again....we're heading from fall into winter. That means days are getting shorter, nights are getting longer.  Mornings are going from cool to downright chilly.  Dew on the grass is being replaced by frost.  Air conditioners have been switched off and the furnace has been turned on.  Shorts and windbreakers have been replaced by jeans, flannel shirts and fleece.  Winter jackets, hats and mittens have been taken out of storage and are close by.  For some, falling leaves has been replaced by falling snow.    

Activities and daily life are moving indoors where things are warm, cozy and comfortable.  This week, #Nipclub does the same thing.  Come on in, pick a spot by the hearth to cuddle up.  Be sure to wear something comfortable.  It might be flannel or fleece.  It might be a nice blanket.  It can also be your own fur or feathers.  

The goal for tonight...come and be ready to relax with pals.

Need something to wear?  Contact #Nipclub graphics team @realfakegator, @georgetheduck or @meisroxythepug

@Patsydog1 cuddles up 

@LilyLuWhoT is comfy in her blanket 

@Bea_bells snuggles in polar fleece

@CinniMini2 looks pretty cozy

Drinks and Noms

Hot Chocolate

Hot Apple Cider

Flaming Rum Punch

Beer Bacon Cheese Soup

Biscuits and gravy


Mac and Cheese

Pulled pork sandwich and sweet potato fries

Catnip creme brulee

Apple Crostata

Chocolate Lava cake

Cute Cat by Fireplace photo AnimatedCat.gif

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Black Cat Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Black Cat Rescue on FaceBook  HERE
Black Cat Rescue on Twitter HERE
Learn more about Black Cat Rescue HERE

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...