October 27, 2018

#NipClub Ghostbusters Halloween Pawty Nov. 1st, 2018

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Black Cat Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

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Halloween is always fun. And who doesn't love the GHOSTBUSTERS movie and cartoon franchise? So this year at #NipClub we're combining them. That's right! You can choose to be a scary ghost, a monster, a StayPuff Marshmallow Man, a Spector, etc. and create havoc and mischief OR you can be a Ghostbuster and try to capture those naughty ghosts and monsters and make them behave. 

Just let @RealFakeGator know soon if you need help with your costume.  And remember, ANY scary halloween costume fits into the theme, they DO NOT have to be related to the movie. Our Ghostbusters will hunt ANY type of scary beast! 

And, as usual, we'll have all the great music, food, and drink that #NipClub is famous for. 

@TheNascarKitty as Slimer 
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 Drinks and Noms

Slimer shots

Slinky seltzer

Scary burger

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Black Cat Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Donate by Phone HERE
Like Black Cat Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Black Cat Rescue HERE
Fallow Black Cat Rescue on Twitter HERE
Donate Directly to Black Cat Rescue HERE
Check out Black Cat Rescue on Instagram HERE

October 22, 2018

#NipClub Burger Bar October 25, 2018

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Purrfect Pals Every penny helps! Thanks!

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This week at #NipClub we're showcasing everybody's favorite comfort food. Our DJ's will spin great tunes, like always, but our Barktenders and Chefs will wow you with terrific creative burgers and great beverages to compliment them. 

Next week will be our big Halloween GHOSTBUSTERS theme. So let @RealFakeGator know if you need help transforming into your favorite Ghostbusters character (Mine is Slimer). 

@TheNascarKitty serves up one of our special burgers

Bacon Onion Burger

Tuna Burger

Veggie Burger

Burger Cupcakes

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We'll keep stacking them until you tell us to stop.

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Macaroni and Cheesburger

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Bacon Cheese Burger with Sunnyside Up Egg

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Lasagna Burger
Pizza Burger with fries

Blue Cheese bacon burger

Bacon cheese ranch burger

Big huge thank you to everyone that donated, volunteered and attended #Nipclub to help out Purrfect Pals

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Purrfect Pals
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Donate by Phone HERE
Like Purrfect Pals on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Purrfect Pals HERE
Fallow Purrfect Pals on Twitter HERE
Donate Directly to Purrfect Pals HERE
Supscribe to Purrfect Pals on Youtube HERE

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...