April 29, 2019

#NipClub Cantina Night Pre-ChiliPawty Celebration May 2nd, 2019

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Northeast Animal Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

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This weekend is #ChiliPawty so this Thursday at #NipClub we'll have a Cantina Night Pawty with South of the Border fun, drinks, noms, and music.

It'd be a good night to preview your ChiliPawty Costumes, or just wear your natural fins, fur,feathers, skin, etc. 

#ChiliPawty 2019
since 2010 Annual Twitter Charity Pawty #CincoDeMayo

Enjoy fresh-made to order Mexican Cuisine!!!

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Green Chile Cheese Enchiladas

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Chili Relleno

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Tequila Sunrises in an Actual Pineapple Mug

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Grande Burrito

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Sopapilla ala Mode

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Fried Ice Cream

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Northeast Animal Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Like Northeast Animal Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Northeast Animal Rescue HERE
Fallow @NARcats on Twitter HERE
See photos on Instagram HERE
Subscribe to Northeast Animal Rescue on Youtube HERE

April 24, 2019

#Nipclub Cheers Bar & Grill Night April 25, 2019

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Northeast Animal RescueEvery penny helps! Thanks!

We're taking some time to kick back and relax so pull a stool up to the bar for Cheers Night!

Drinks & Noms

Fully Stocked bar
If you can't find it here, it doesn't exist!

Our barktenders can make any variety you want!

Mac 'n Cheese Pizza

Cheezy Bacon & Beer Soup

Pulled Pork Sandwich with Sweet Potato Fries

 Carmel Sea Salt Cheesecake

Ice Cream
Let your flavor imagination run wild!

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Northeast Animal Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Like Northeast Animal Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Northeast Animal Rescue HERE
Fallow @NARcats on Twitter HERE
See photos on Instagram HERE
Subscribe to Northeast Animal Rescue on Youtube HERE

April 16, 2019

Easter Bonnet "FUNNY HAT" Pawty at #NipClub April 18th, 2019

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Equine OutreachEvery penny helps! Thanks!

@TinyPearlCat in her chicken hat. 

#NipClub FUNNY HAT Pawty

It's nearly Easter. Back in the "old days" ladies would don their best Easter Bonnet and celebrate the holiday. Well, this is #NipClub and not just any old Easter bonnet will do. We want you to wear your wildest crazy hat when you come to pawty your tail off. 

We realize a lot of you are preparing to travel for the holiday, and may just want to pop in for a drink, a dance, and some noms without the hassle, and that's fine too. Just come to #NipClub. 

If you need help with a special hat, contact the experts at #NipClub Outfitters (@RealFakeGator, @TinyPearlCat, or @LampWireSlayer) and we can set you up. 

@DylCat1 's funny hat is ACTUALLY his Easter Bonnet

Cheeto (of @RosieAndCheeto) looks regal in his silly hat. 
@TheNascarKitty said he'd wear a funny hat when pigs fly MOL. 

@WinstonTabby has not stopped partying for St. Patty's Day yet. It's only April after all.

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@Kittehboi in his DEVO hat.

Enjoy an Early Easter Dinner:

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Spiral Cut Honey Ham, Creamy Snap Peas with Bacon, Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes,
Artichoke and Bacon Frittata, Lemon Strawberry Cheesecake. 

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Deviled Easter Eggs

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All you favorite Easter Candy

Huge ! Thank you to everyone that helped out this horse rescue. 
You all rock!

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Equine Outreach
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Donate by Phone HERE
Like Equine Outreach on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Equine Outreach HERE
Fallow @KlamathTheHorse Spokeshorse for Equine Outreach
 on Twitter HERE
Donate Directly to Equine Outreach HERE

April 7, 2019

It's "Kind of" Spring Pawty at #NipClub April 11th, 2019

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Equine Outreach Every penny helps! Thanks!

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For much of the United States and Europe, we're just about through with the cold, dreary, snowy days of winter. And while some of us are finally getting "peeks" of what Spring my be like, but it's not enough!! So this week at #NipClub we are going to show Winter that we are through and pawty like it's actually NICE outside. 

So put on some spring gardening clothes, or break out the shorts and tank tops and flip flops, or whatever you may wear in spring. Sure, we may still be cold, but we'll show winter that we are FINISHED!! And I'm pretty sure our talented Barktenders will help keep you "warm" inside. 

We'll play some great summertime music, eat our favorite "outdoor" foods, we will show Winter that we are finished and even if Spring isn't officially here, it IS Spring at #NipClub. 
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If you need help with that perfect costume just contact @RealFakeGator at #NipClubOutfitters and let him know what you'd like! 

Retired DJ and #NipClub Co-Founder @AutumnTheDoxie...spring break tanning, Canadian-style

#NipClub Original Member and Head Barktender Emeritus @Mariodacat mows away the frozen tundra

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@TheNascarKitty Preps Summer Style BBQ'd Meat for the evening. 
All American Treat. Hot Dogs with the Works. 

If you can grill it, we'll grill it. Enjoy. 

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Beer Can Grilled Chicken Click HERE for the Recipe for Beer Butt Chicken

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Smoked Brisket of Beef

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Spring Mix Salad with Fresh Fruit over Grilled Chicken Breast

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Avacado, Chicken, and Egg Salad

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Everybody loves Deviled Eggs. Eat all you what, we'll make more. 

And some cake

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Equine Outreach
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Donate by Phone HERE
Like Equine Outreach on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Equine Outreach HERE
Fallow @KlamathTheHorse Spokeshorse for Equine Outreach
 on Twitter HERE
Donate Directly to Equine Outreach HERE

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...