October 28, 2019

#NipClub HOWL-O-WEEN Pawty Oct. 31st, 2019

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Puppy Luv Animal Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

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Who doesn't enjoy a good Halloween Scare? And who doesn't love dressing up as something else? And who doesn't love fun, different snacks and drinks? 

Well this Thursday at #NipClub we'll have all that as we throw our huge Howl-O'Ween Costume Pawty. 

If you need help with a special costume please ask @RealFakeGator or @LampwireSlayer right away. #NipClub Outfitters gets very busy this time of year. And as always, you're always welcome to just come in your own natural fins, feathers, fur or skin. Just come! 

See you there!!! 

Let @Meow_Girls and the rest of the barktenders offer you something from the cauldron bar

Send those Howl-O-Ween pics in to @RealFakeGator, @TinyPearlCat or @TheNascarKitty soon and we'll put them on the blog!!!
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Flash and Lamp Wire Slayer

 Drinks and Noms

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Puppy Luv Animal Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Like Puppy Luv Animal Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Puppy Luv Animal Rescue HERE
Fallow @PuppyLuvAR on Twitter HERE

October 20, 2019

#NipClub Bad CatNip Zombie Pawty October 24th 2019

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Puppy Luv Animal Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

We noticed a bunch of Zombies lingering outside #NipClub Headquarters this week, and in our search for a reason why, we realized that our Nip Crops were so strong this year that they caused near zombie-like side effects when used too strongly. It even affected humans, dogs, ducks, horses, fish, etc. who simply inhaled it's scent. 

It ALSO turns out that this nip was used for the entire pawty last week. So, most of our #NipClub Pals have been a "little on edge" all week. And darned if they don't look and act a little like goofy zombies. But fear not, the effects wear off in 8 days (So, the day after NipClub this week). But, we'll make the best of it. Bring your "Zombie" selves down to NipClub this week and pawty like a zombie. You'll wake up normal on Friday morning. We've cut the strength of the remaining Nip so you don't have to worry about getting zombified again. 

(NipClub Outfitters specializes in making zombified anipals look presentable for pawties. So if you need assistance, contact @RealFakeGator or @LampWireSlayer ASAP.) 

And don't forget #NipClub falls on HALLOWEEN this year, so next week, we'll have a classic Halloween Costume Pawty. Start thinking about your costumes and put in your requests soon. Be creative. 


@GeorgeTheDuck was a fairly calm zombie duck, but then
we told him we were out of Tuna AND Tunatini's and
he got just a LITTLE grumpy (see below)





Zombie Pawty Food Creations
Just for fun, our cooks got creative with our regular menu
to make it a fun silly treat for this pawty.

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Bacon, Sausage, and Wing buffet.

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Zombie Eyeball Deviled Eggs

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Cream Cheese and Chili Brain Dip.

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Frosted Zombie Cookies

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Puppy Luv Animal Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Like Puppy Luv Animal Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Puppy Luv Animal Rescue HERE
Fallow @PuppyLuvAR on Twitter HERE

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...