November 29, 2020

#NipClub Combines Cuteness with Mischief Dec. 3rd, 2020

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Black Cat Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

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Baby, it's cold outside. Wouldln't it be great to just be able to stay home, in the warm house, like before you were a "responsible adult"?

Remember back in the days when you were young kittens and puppies, ducklings, ....whatever you call baby ferrets....or whatever type of "young-un" you were...the fun times you had being "naughty" and terrorizing your parents?

Well, it's time to relive our youths again at #NipClub. Come dressed as your "younger" self, or as your current self, or just as a very naughty baby animal. Send those baby pics to @TinyPearlCat, @RealFakeGator, or @TheNascarKitty and we'll get them on the blog.

Show your pals what kind of mischief you can get up to. Remember, what happens at #NipClub stays at #NipClub, so let the fur fly!!

I'm NOT tasting it...I'm not. Honest!! I'm being a pal! 
I am NOT too young!!!
Those boys over there paid me to do this!
Oh....this wasn't for me?
But Mom!!! Dad reads it!!!
George The Duckling was a lot more
naughty than the older @GeorgetheDuck
@AutumnTheDoxie may have caused a commotion or two as a pup.
@TheNascarKitty has been naughty a time or two too, although it's
been a while since we all went "streaking" through #NipClub. 

Puppy @DoggyMolly's first visit to #NipClub

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Baby @Pumpkinpuddy trying to steal Candy



The face of innocence
Baby @WinstonTabby

@IndulgedFurries has collected the blanket from sleep time of each #Nipclub and turned them into puzzles. CLICK HERE to play


Nomms and Drinks
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Shakes and Malts

Cookies n Milk

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Fun Breakfast noms

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Bacon Mac n Cheez

Cereal in a glow bowl

Pigs in Blankie

Pizza Rolls

Peaunut Butter Apple Treats

Pop Tarts


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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Black Cat Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Like Black cat Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Black Cat Rescue HERE
Fallow @Blackcatrescue on Twitter HERE
Add Black Cat Rescue on Instagram HERE

November 22, 2020

#NipClub Thanksgiving Feast November 26th, 2020

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Black Cat Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

THANKSGIVING FEAST at #NipClub November 26th, 2020

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This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in America. I've given then entire #NipClub staff the day off with pay. BUT, never fear, we will leave the door unlocked AND I have arranged for an endless buffet of Thanksgiving Food Favorites. I've also overstocked the bar and you can make all the drinks you want. 

We'll leave the DJ booth unlocked, so if you want to try spinning some tunes for your friends, go right ahead. 

ALSO there will be no official "hours". Want to start on Wednesday and Pawty through the weekend? Go Ahead. 

From time to time, some of our staff members may pop in and serve drinks or spin tunes, but that's their own choice. They are welcome to take the night off with pay if they like, or even better, come and pawty with you and enjoy being waited on themselves. 

If you have a great time, and can afford it, you can still "tip". Every single cent goes directly to our carefully chosen No-Kill Rescues and Shelters. 

We love you and we'll see you next week for a fun surprise theme pawty. 

Love to all, We're THANKFUL for YOU!!!!

@TheNascarKitty, #NipClub Manager and Founding Member.

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Black Cat Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Like Black cat Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Black Cat Rescue HERE
Direct phone dontation to Black Cat Rescue HERE
Fallow @Blackcatrescue on Twitter HERE
Add Black Cat Rescue on Instagram HERE

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...