August 29, 2021

#Nipclub goes to Hawaii Thursday September 2, 2021

  Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Tabby's Place Every penny helps! Thanks!


Pack your bags because @TinyPearlCat is fueling up the #NIpclub jet and is flying everyone to Hawaii this week! 

We'll be staying at #Nipclub Honalulu where we'll enjoy some of the best surfing beaches in the world, sport fishing (in case you didn't get your fill last week), or just relaxing on the beach.

@tiggybean waits for the big one 
while @Meow_girls catch their wave

@DCkitty & @thenascarkitty having fun with the beach ball
@SeattleP & Jeego relax on the beach

After a fun day at the beach, we'll meet up back at #Nipclub for a Hawaiian luau, complete with food, hula dancing, traditional Hawaiian and ukalele music.  Maybe if we ask nice enough, @kittehboi will do a fire dance for us!

@Chrissy7115 Bubba & @kconlon1 Jona show 
off the pit roasted feast

@sanjeethecat @moothemousecat @tinypearlcat
show us how to hula

@tiggybean & @Meow_girls Tippy 
are ready with luau favorites

@thenascarkitty @kittehboi @CinniMini2
show off their ukulele skills

@kittehboi wows the crowd with fire dancing

Need a new Hawaiian shirt or dress? Swim suit or surfing trunks? Snorkeling gear? Surfboard? Wind surfer? Parasail gear? Just let @realfakegator or @kittehboi know.

@MizzBassie is looking good in her beachwear

Drinks & Noms

Hawaiian POG, Mai Tai, Pina Colada
POG = Pineapple, Orange, Guava

Hawaiian Coconut Catnip Mojito

Blue Hawaiian shots

Assorted Hawaiian Beers

Assorted Khahlua drinks

Coconut Shrimp appetizer

Grilled Fruit Kabobs

Pu Pu Platter

Ahi Tuna Poke

Spam Mango Pineapple Skillet dinner

Luau Platter

Frozen Pineapple Pops

Macadamia Caramel Cheesecake

Purple Sweet Potato Pie

Haupia (coconut pudding)

Huge thank you for all you do to volunteer, donate and show up and have fun for pet rescue! You rock!

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Tabby' Place
Every penny helps! Thanks!
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August 24, 2021

#Nipclub goes to the Water Park Thursday August 26

 Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Tabby's Place Every penny helps! Thanks!

The Dog Days of summer.

During this time, the Sun is in the same region of the sky as Sirius, the brightest star visible from any part of Earth and part of the constellation Canis Major, the Greater Dog

@realfakegator considers himself to the the Greater Dog

In ancient Greece and Rome, the Dog Days were believed to be a time of heat, drought, lethargy, fever, bad luck, and unrest, when dogs and men alike would be driven mad by the extreme heat.

Eleanor Long in “How the Dog Got Its Days: A Skeptical Inquiry into Traditional Star and Weather Lore,” the “dog days” is considered a time when “all liquids are poisonous, when bathing, swimming, or even drinking water can be dangerous, and a time when no sore or wound will heal properly.”

@lampwireslayer @flashdapanfur @cobalttash @bloomnight2 prove that                                     swimming isn't dangerous and all liquids aren't poisonous

Today, the dog days of summer, are considered the hottest, most uncomfortable part of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, not the ominous period it was once believed.  That's good, because to help beat the August heat and humidity, #Nipclub is going to the Water Park. 


Need a swim suit? Inner tube? Let @realfakegator or @kittehboi at #Nipclub outfitters know right away so you can jump in with the rest of us!

@thenascarkitty @DCkitty








Fruit smoothies

Iced coffee

Summer cocktails

Chips & Salsa

Pork carnitas tacos

Bacon cheeseburger platter  
Hanks Bacon Beer

Key Lime cookies

Soft serve ice cream cones

Assortment of ice cream bars
and popsicles

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Tabby' Place
Every penny helps! Thanks!
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August 14, 2021

#Nipclub goes fishing August 19th

 Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Tabby's Place Every penny helps! Thanks!

Fishing is a prehistoric practice.  Our ancestors fished in lakes, rivers, ponds and even oceans, basically, wherever it was possible.  Fishing is intertwined with the development of the human species. In eastern Africa, fragments of fish were discovered with the remains of early humanoids near a shallow lake. The remains date back over 500,000 years.  From that period forward there is evidence that fish have been used for food and a wide range of other needs.

There are many kinds of fishing, ranging from subsistence fishing for survival; to recreational fishing for pleasure, competition or just for occasionally feeding ones family; to commercial fishing for profit.    

Studies have confirmed the connection between being in nature and health improvement.  Fishing helps relieve stress, lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.   

Fishing can foster intergenerational relationships when grandparents and parents teach children how to fish.

Of course, one of the best parts of fishing is eating, whether cooked or not!  At our Japanese Food pawty last week we sampled sushi.  This week we're cooking.  To this day, in Wisconsin, Friday night means Fish Fry, with Perch, Walleye, Blue gill and Cod topping the list.  Grilling over an open fire is another great option.


This week at #nipclub we're going recreational fishing.  Pick your pleasure.  Whether you enjoy noodling for catfish in the shallows of the Midwest and South, to angling with rod & reel in your favorite lake or fishing hole, to fly fishing (a different type of angling) along your favorite river or stream, we've got the gear for you.  Just let @realfakegator or @kittehboi know what you need. 

                  @georgetheduck at his secret fishing hole  @timhoyt14 waiting for the fish to bite 

                            @3phibotticelli's Sadie & @HarveyButtonNZ  fly fishing

Want to try surf fishing along the ocean shore?  We can set you up!

@kittehboi surf fishes with "friends"

   Want to go big-game fishing for Tuna, Billfish (Marlin, Swordfish, Sailfish) or Sharks?  Then join up with @Slinky_The_Cat and his Big Tuna  


                                                                  Big Tuna Fishing Tours 
                                                          owner & guide @Slinky_The_Cat

Big Tuna fishing tour boat

Customers saving their strength for when the hook the big one

Big Tuna Fishing Tour guarantees a good time even if the fish aren't biting.


We have a few spears and crossbows for those of you who want to try your hand/paw/wing at spear and bow fishing.  

Check back with us this winter when we return to the frozen lakes for ice fishing.

            @kconlon1 shows off the tools of his bottle openers

@WinstonTabby conducts his own test on how fishing helps to relieve stress

@EddieBabyCat shows the dangers of noodling fish
and also an unusual case where fishing is NOT good for your health
 does NOT lower blood pressure
and is NOT relaxing

Drinks & Noms

Just a sampling of the food available on the Big Tuna Fishing Tour bus

Go Ahead And Drink Like a Fish!!

Bucket of beer

Your choice of drink in a Hawaiian Fish Tiki mug

Fish themed Wines

Brandy Old Fashioned sweet 
Classic Wisconsin fish fry accompaniment

Spicy Goldfish snack

Sri Lankan Fish Roti (fish in rolled flatbread)
Fish Curry

Grilled Red Snapper taco

Classic Wisconsin Fish Fry

Delicacies from the sea

Swedish Fish cupcakes

Seaside cupcakes

                                 Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Tabby' Place    

Every penny helps! Thanks!
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See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...