December 26, 2022

#NipClub Pajama Pawty New Years Pre-Pawty Dec. 29th,2022

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Black Cat Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

@TheNascarKitty and @DCKitty enjoy some cuddle time in our cozy fireplace lounge in their warm flannel pajamas.
I've been wracking my brain, trying to decide what the "right" pawty theme was for our end of year's New Years Pawty. Super Formal Ball? Black and White Dress Ball? Elegant Dinner and Cocktail Pawty? A big music festival? Some rowdy Costume Pawty? 

I thought and thought, and one night decided to just give it a rest for a few nights during Christmas break, throw on my comfy pajamas and just enjoy quiet time with the love of my kitty life @DCKitty  in our #OTRB Mansion, and worry about it later. 

As Dominique and I cuddled on our favorite Blue Couch (which we brought from earth) relaxing by the fire, Dominique (as usual) beating me at our favorite card games and board games while we just enjoyed the night, when the proverbial light bulb went on. "Let's have a New Years Pajama Pawty!!". 

So that's what we'll do on Thursday Dec. 29th during #NipClub. Come to our comfy fireplace lounge bar in your comfy pajamas, have a warm drink and some comfort food, play some board games or cards, listen to some nice music, maybe even dance with your sweetie. Reminisce about all the good times you had this year, and make plans to have more great times in 2023. 

#NipClub Outfitters has some spare comfy pajamas if you need them, @RealFakeGator or @TinyPearlCat will gladly get you a pair if you need them. But, some anipals love to just relax in their own fur, feathers, skin, hair, scales etc, and that's fine too.  @TheNascarKitty #NipClub Founder and General Manager

Special Event: #NipClub WILL also be open on New Years Eve. We aren't scheduling our staff. We're leaviing the door open, feel free to come in, pawty, mingle, make yourselves a drink at the open bar, use the free jukebox to share songs, come and go as you please throughout New Years Eve and New Years Day. Some staff members or retired staff members will probably choose to come in and barktend or DJ if they are available, but during at 2 day period we welcome all of you to just use the #NipClub lounge. 

A special thank you from @TheNascarKitty for another great year: It takes a lot of work to keep this wonderful club going and 2023 will be our 13th Anniversary. Without the great patrons who come and pawty with us over the last 12 years we'd never have made it. Without the dozens of great barktenders, DJs, Quizmasters, Pawty Hosts, Sekurity Agents, PR Team, we'd fold in a second. I wish I could name them all, and in the upcoming future we will do that, going all the way back to the beginning. But right now I need to give a special thanks to myExecutive Management Team, who do a LOT more work than I do, and I'd be lost without them:

@TinyPearlCat: Manager and IT Genius, Charity Coordinator and Advisor. She's an origianl Founding member of #NipClub, Pearl makes the magic happen. From the very beginning.

@RealFakeGator: Manager and Graphics Guru, Advisor. Gator is always a sensible voice on our management team. He's also a founding member of #NipClub despite his youth appearance (something about catahoula's always looks young)

@Kittehboi: Head DJ and Advisor. Breeze (Kittehboi) is an original founding member of NipClub and is usually our resident protector.

@GeorgeTheDuck: Head Barktender, Advisor and Founding member. George has worn ALL the hats at #NipClub. He was doing this WAY before there was a NipClub. Way before some of knew anything about twitter pawties. And he can outpawty even the newer younger pals.

@Ben_Da_Bestie: Head of Sekurity and Advisor. He filled some very big shoes to reform our sekurity team, and he did it perfectly. 

These anipals have my complete trust and support in their management positions. You can go to them with any questions of concerns about #NipClub and they can give you an official decision.  And without them I'd be lost, so thank you, and thank ALL of our support staff and our patrons. 

Happy New Year,
 @TheNascarKitty General Manager, Founding Member, 

Image result for cat in pajamas

@tweetypie54 Gunner ponders which property to buy next
while @MizzBassie watches

A bird's eye view of @Bea_bells and @tiggybean
matching wits at a game of chess

@jerry_tuxedo @seattlep @realfakegator & @LilyLuWhoT
square off in a game of twister. 

@moothemousecat and opponent
staying cozy while playing a game of Sorry!

Noms and drinks to warm you up

Image result for hot apple cider
Spiked Hot Caramel Apple Cider

Image result for hot apple pie with cheddar cheese
Hot Apple Pie with Cheddar Cheese and Ice Cream

Image result for hot roast beef sandwich
Hot Roast Beef and Gravy Sandwiches with Mashed Potatoes

Image result for baked macaroni and cheese
Baked Macaroni and Cheese



Cookies and Milk

Belgian Waffles with Fruit

Breakfast Pizza

Eggs Benedict

Bacon, Sausage & Eggs

Ham, Cheddar & Asparagus Omelette

Your favorite Cereals

Salted and Buttered Grits in Cream

AND Plenty of Champagne!!!!!


Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Black Cat Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Check out Black Cat Rescue site HERE where there is more about them
Fallow Black Car Rescue on Twitter HERE
Like Black Car Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Black Cat Rescue HERE

December 19, 2022

#NipClub's Annual Festivus Pawty Dec. 22nd, 2022

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Black Cat Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

Great News!! We've just heard the the traditional#CatmasEve pawty will be held again this year! So we here at #NipClub have decided to split the holidays. WE will handle FESTIVUS and let the terrific #CatmasEve be the place for Christmas Cheer! Please watch for info on the great #CatmasEve Pawty. 


It's That time of year again. Christmas is approaching, nerves are getting frazzled, and people need a short other words, it's time for FESTIVUS!! 

Mr.Breeze aka @Kittehboi aka Saint Kittebus Maximus, Patron Saint of
Airing Grievances will have a GRIEVANCE WITH YOU if you don't come
to pawty with us at #NipClub's Festivus Pawty. And you DON'T want that. 

 @NancyCakeFace gets into the Festivus spirit

@doggymolly finds the perfect Festivus gift for #nipclub

Image result for festivus pole meme

To Watch the Entire SEINFELD episode about Festivus: Click HERE to Watch a video clip of Seinfeld's Festive Episode

Still's a website that'll get you all the Festivus Knowledge you'll need: Click for HERE  Festivus Information

Throughout the evening we'll do all the Festivus activities.....around the Festivus Pole, we'll have the airing of grievances (in good fun only please..teasing OK..attacks are NOT). AND of course the Feats of Strength, where the "head of house" gets wrestled to the ground and pinned. In this case, whichever Manager is on duty..., @TheNascarKitty, TinyPearlCat,  or @RealFakeGator..., step right up and wrestle them to the ground!!

What does one wear to a Festivus Pawty?...whatever they want, but it's often just whatever you would wear to a Holiday Pawty that you really aren't excited that awful sweater you got from grandma, or some outlandish outfit, or street clothes...OR a #NipClub t-shirt!! Either way @RealFakeGator, @LampWireSlayer  and  #NipClub Outfitters probably have what you need. Just ask. Many of you already got "terrible sweaters" for last years pawty, so you're already set. 

A few scenes from previous Festivus Pawties at #NipClub:

@TheNascarKitty wrestles @KingTuttiFrutti in Feats of Strength! 

@TheNascarKitty gets pinned by a #NipClub customer during Feats of Strength

@RealFakeGator takes this opportunity to air grievances
NOTE: Marta has since joined us #OTRB but she still visits Gator in
his dreams and heart, and shares his bed & brings him treats
@3phibotticelli`s grievances are weather related

@TinyPearlCat's grievance is too many pals go #OTRB & she insists this
stops, and that we keep alive the memories of those who have past!
@NancyCakeFace is dressing in her Festivus finest!



Furry Dude



The Traditional FESTIVUS feast:

featuring gourmet Meatloaf and Spaghetti!!

Festivus Ice Cream!! (Brown Sugar ice cream with Gingerbread cookie bits and carmel)

Festivus Chai Tea


Meatloaf Paninis with sweet red onion and Provolone Cheese

Meatloaf appetizers

Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

Traditional Meatloaf

 Nip Meatloaf

Spaghetti and Meatballs

Sun Dried Tomato and Spinach stuffed Meatloaf

Meatloaf Pizza

Meatlaof Salad

Salmon Meatloaf

Print and Clip out this coupon and hand out as Christmas Gifts!
(Don't give to people you actually want to talk to again..MOL)
(Note: for FESTIVUS newbies, there IS no "Human Fund"...George Costanza gives these cards as gifts because he is cheap and doesn't expect he will get caught. MOL.)

Image result for festivus pole meme

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Black Car Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Check out Black Car Rescue site HERE where there is more about them
Fallow Black Car Rescue on Twitter HERE
Like Black Car Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Black Cat Rescue HERE

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...