April 13, 2011

Cross Country Tranport for Pugs and Doodles

Update: Right now....while we will keep the below mentioned car train a viable option....we are hoping to just fly the dogs to California via commercial cargo jet. I'm going to try to find a vet to give the dogs shots and medical clearance, then a nice lady is going to pay for the airline tickets at the hopes we can make enough on the chip in to reimburse her....if this doesnt work, then we will start the car convoy.  Thanks, and check back often for info.... @TheNascarKitty

Original post:

Pugs and Doodles have found a Forever Home in Sacramento, CA. All us anipals have to do is get them there!

It looks like our humans are organizing a transport car train across the US. The main route will be Interstate 80 starting in Iowa and ending in Sacramento. (Sometimes we anipals don't give our humans enough credit! Any of us who have ever flown know it is a really pain in the bum.)

This train will go through Iowa, Nebraska,touches Colorado, through southern Wyoming, Utah, northern Nevada, and straight on to Sacramento. If you or an of your family and friends can afford some time for this cause, please consider helping.

This is what we need and how you can help:
1. We need help along I80 to transport the dogs. We will have gas and hotel money for you.
2. We need folks to use the ChipIn widget to provide:
A. Vet care and food for the dogs
B. Gas and hotel for the car train to safety
3. Anipals to retweet this information. Hashtag is #I80toSafety. (that is an I not a 1)

@MaggieTKat is coordinating the car train. Please email her at yahoo.com (preferred) or dm with info of any family or trusted friends who can help

Thanks for anything you can do!


Anonymous said...

Ah, I am located too far south to do any driving. But, Mewface knows what to do with that ChipIn....

Bad Andy said...

I have a Doodles & Pugs link on my blog that leads to Mario's blog for more info. I'd also like to help tweet the info #I80toSafety, but what should I include in the tweet? Is there a ready-made tweet I can copy & paste?

Thank you for all your hard-working efforts to help those cute doggys. XoX

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