With a #CarniePawty
If you have a July Gotcha Day or Birthday please let @FlaCatLady or @KingTuttiFruiti know!!! If you can send a face shot along with the notification!!
It's time to honor all of our friends with July birthdays and gotcha days!! OMC!! #NipClub is proud to be able to bring you a special night of fun!! Our own @BadAndy_KityKat has invited us all to a preview pawty at #CarniePawty!!! Held for #NipClub customers only!!! Beat the lines for the rides, get first chance to win some of the midway games, preview the great food and fun!!
Don't know what #CarniePawty is? Check it out: http://badandysotherstuff.blogspot.com/
Look for the invitation for all the info!
For the rest of Twitter #CarniePawty starts Friday July 15th BUT for #NipClub visitors it really starts Thursday July 14th!! There may even be some special attractions there that wont be available on Friday and SAturday's #CarniePawty!! It's time to get your circus/fair/carnival outfits on (or that lovely natural fur) and let loose!!!
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EVERYONE is invited! Please use the #HASHTAG #CarniePawty OR #CarnieP - ONLY, ONLY, ONLY, Thank you! |
Here's your ticket to all the FUN!
There will be TONS of rides...
Pawsome carnie food!
Carnie games and prizes!
Entertainment too!
They're coming from the country....
And they're coming from the city....
So DON'T you miss out ~ come to the #CarniePawty July 15 - 16th
But if you come to #NipClub on the 14th you will get a Sneak Peak at the CarniePawty Circus Park!!! See you there!!!
Oh and one more thing - if you like to help at the #CarniePawty Consession Stands, or be a DJ, or even try your powers at Fortune Telling - have a look at the schedules below to see if there is a time you can help. Send a DM via Twitter to @BadAndy_KityKat and let him know what you can do.
Consession Stand schedule: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en_US&key=tWXrFTc6_AWio7cbi0b4pkA&hl=en_US#gid=0
Fortune Telling schedule:
DJ schedule:
Thank you very much!
If you have a July Gotcha Day or Birthday please let @FlaCatLady or @KingTuttiFruiti know!!! If you can send a face shot along with the notification!!
Gotchas and Birthdays
@Bijntje |
@Boriskitty |
@Flicka47 |
Thor @Health4UandPets |
@Justanothertrnd- Hurley is 6 |
@Mouseholecat |
@Shawneeshep |
Winston @Tresa1215 |
@WillMyDogHateMe |
@WillowWiggles |
@nutmegTorby |
Candy @pumpkinpuddy's sis |
Typist of @CathyKeisha |
@Holliecatrocks |
Typist of @Georgetheduck |
@SimonKitten |
@MadLabM |
@MavTheTiger |
Typist for @Meow_girls |
Typist for @Informedferret |
@Nerdpoop |
Lots and lots of cake
Pumpkin Cake Deep Fried Twinkies n Onion Rings http://twitpic.com/5pv2sk |
Keep Coming back here throughout the week for activity update!! :D :D :D
We don't have carnivals in da hood so I really don't know how to dress. TW's bday is the 13th but I certainly wouldn't subject my furrends to her picture. Ewwww!
OH BOY HOWDY! This is gonna be a BLAST-RIOT! woooHOOOOOOO
Get your #CARNIEPAWTY on!
HURLEY: Wow! Thanks for having Pumpkin Cake for my 6th birthday! I feel so very loved by Twitter Anipal Furiends!
DUSTY: You made Hurley's Day, Tiny Pearl. Bless your sweet little heart! *hugs*
Awww Typist was so out of it from sinus infection she didn't even let me look. Joke was on her not getting to see her pic! That was sweet of you guys :) Thank you!
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