September 25, 2011

#NIpClub at the Playboy Mansion!! Sept. 29, 2011

This week #NipClub has rented Hefner's Playboy Mansion and is hosting an evening at #NipClub's
own Playboy Club. Beauty, elegance, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of friskiness will abound.

So find that special outfit, Gentlemen, a nice suit, or smoking jacket, or even some pajama's like
Hef wears, Ladies, your most elegant gown, your sexiest pawty dress, whatever you are comfortable
wearing (or NOT wearing wink wink nudge nudge MOL). OF COURSE your own natural fur is
always appropriate for ANY even at #NipClub

@GeorgeTheDuck, @TheNascarKitty, and @KingTuttiFruiti give some last
minute "instructions" to our hospitaility staff...yeah, that's what they're

There's plenty of room to play at the Playboy Mansion

@FlaCatLady Greets guests at the Playboy Mansion 

#NipClub hostess @HollieCAtRocks is ready to guide
you thru an evenin of fun!!

Swim in the Playboy Mansion Grotto. Our Barktender staff will serve you
food and drink right there in the pool!!!

Arrive in style. Round Trip Limo service from the hotel to the pawty
Provided throughout #NipClub

@HollieCatRocks, @DCKitty and @TinyPearlCat join
@TheNascarKitty on the front lawn of the Playboy
@Meow_Girls Penny, @MarioDaCat, @Meow_Girls Penny, and
@Flicka47 enjoy the sun at the Playboy Mansion
#NipClub DJ extraordinaire the Stunning @CathyKeisha
has a pretty wild past...and a pretty wild future too heeheee


Playboy Energy Drink

Playboy Cake and Cupcakes

Bacon Samwich Skyscraper
by Georgetheduck

Bunny Latte'

September 19, 2011

#NipClub Celebrates the Engagement of Cookie & Athena Sept. 22, 2011

Love is in the air this week at #NipClub!! We are flying you to France
for the Engagement Pawty of @CatGodessAthena and @SadLovelyHeart's Cookie!  Pure elegance and luxury await you!!! Dress in your finest
formal attire, or come in your natural fur!! 

The site of the pawty: Chateau de Versailles

 As #NipClub Visits Versailles this week  tour guide @NikePurrfectCat will show you the beauty of the city
while Hostess @HollieCatRocks and our crew of great
barktenders and DJ's make sure you enjoy the
grand reception and dance. 

Remember to RSVP for the Wedding Oct. 22 of Cookie and Athena

Dancing and Gift Opening in the lovey Versailles Hall of Mirrors

Play and Bask in the lovely Versailles City Gardens

Happy Engagement Pictures, Images and Photos

Free Shuttle to and from the Reception in France and the
hotel in Italy provided by @TinyPearlCat in our new
#NipClub passenger helicopter. 

Lodging courtesy of Hotel Versailles Roma 

Free round trip air to France courtesy of Captain @TinyPearlCat and
#NipClubAir book your flight now!! 

September 12, 2011

September Birthdays/Gotcha Days & Broadway Day Sept. 15, 2911

Enjoy this clip of the original stars of WICKED in this triumphant song sure to
bring a tear to your eye!! *sniff* WICKED is "tragically beautiful" and
"beautifully tragic".
@MarioDaCat kicks up his heels on Broadway

Dress up as your favorite Broadway Musical character, OR just come in your
natural Fur and pawty, but for sure this will be a pawty to remember!!
Scroll down for more info!!
Celebrating Gotcha and Birthdays for September 2011

@FlaCatLady IS Legally Blonde!

@KingTuttiFruiti is Sir Lancelot, @TheNascarKitty is King Arthur and
@TinyPearlCat is Lady of the Lake in SPAMALOT!

(clockwise from top center) @MarioDaCat, @Kittehboi, @CathyKeisha,
@BunnyJeanCook, Cheeto (@RosieAndCheeto) & @DanaPixie starring
in Broadway's Rock of Ages!!

@HollieCatRocks As Elpheba & @DCKitty as Galinda in WICKED the BEST musical EVER
to be seen on broadway!!! (@TheNascarKitty's nerdy Daddy has seen it 7 times)

@AutumnTheDoxie as Roxie Hart in Chicago!!
Honeybell (@wildboutbirds) Daffy (@nocrybabydogs)
@snoopdoggdoxie & @Holliecatrocks star in @TheNascarKitty production
of A Chorus Line. Thanks to @DanaPixie for graphic.
@NoCryBabyDogs (Daffy) in Hairspray!!
@WildBoutBirds (HoneyBell) @HollieCatRocks &
@NoCrybabyDogs (Daffy) in The Lion King!
poster by @DanaPixie

#NipClub tour guide & liquer supplier @RealFakeGator
& his kitty Marta perform the title roles of Phantom of the Opera

Gourmet Menu
You wont find noms like this anywhere other than the Broadway Cities of New York, London
and Chicago. Very special noms for our very special customers!!!!

5 Rib pork roast!!

Beef Wellington

Pan Seared Whitefish

Chicken Diane from Chef Gordon Ramsey's The London NYC Restaurant

Chicken in an orange Glaze

Pecan Crusted Lamb Chops from Chef Gordon Ramsay's MAZE at  The London NYC
Greek Salad with Feta Cheese and Greek Olives

Blue Cheese topped Bacon wrapped Filet Mignon
Cobb Salad
King Crab Legs with Ribeye Steaks
Fresh Maine Lobsters
Caprese Salad
Chicken Florentine Crepes

Raspberry Baked Alaska

@MarioDaCat Cake 

Dom Perignon Champagne

Cupcake Towers

Honeycomb Cupcakes with Blueberries

Death by Chocolate Cake

Strawberry Schaum Torte
Special Request

Bacon bacon bacon Pizazz

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...