#NipClub's long time DJ @CathyKeisha presented me with a genius idea early in the fall. How about a shopping day for friends with online anipal shops? Well, I thought the idea was genius!RSVP to join us on for a Main Street shopping experience: http://twtvite.com/nipclubholidaybazaar
As a thank you to everyone that supports the efforts of #NipClub with their valuable time, talents, & friendship, we are a hosting a holiday bazaar to showcase our communities online anipal shops.
Join #NipClub on Saturday, December 1st from 6pm-12am EST for our first annual shopping event. You can find many unique gifts while supporting our community's anipal shops.
Friends of #NipClub have stepped up to sponsor the event, so that we can have a fun evening of shopping and know that we are supporting December's featured group @blackcatrescue.
Shop Graphics credit to @RealFakeGator and Blog design by @tinypearlcat
Please tweet them a thank you
Anipal Stores
Unique gifts, note & greeting cards, books
@zeeandzoey Zee and Zoey Zazzle Boutique http://www.zazzle.com/zeezoeyboutique The Chronicles of Zee and Zoey http://www.zeezoey.com/ and blog http://zeezoey.com/blog/
@ShaynaCat Achieve your dreams here http://shaynacat.wordpress.com/2012/12/01/nipclub-holiday-bazaar-my-giveaway/
@dylcat1 Kitten Whisker Knits-hand knit scarves http://www.etsy.com/shop/kittenwhiskersknits via human @WildHare2634
@TigerBoythecat Handmade greeting cards http://inkypawspapercafe.weebly.com/
@cheshirek Postcards, Greeting Cards and Pet Portraits https://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/studio/chezcheshirek
@glogirly Blog Design, Headers, Logos, Twitter & Facebook Design http://www.glogirly.com/p/glogirly-design.html and Cat Inspired Cards, Tees, Totes & Gifts http://www.zazzle.com/glogirl
@MaggieTKat Unique handmade gifts http://www.etsy.com/shop/krusekats
@birdhousebooks Vintage books http://stores.ebay.com/Birdhouse-Books
@bvfeyj Anipal Bintage Shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/3RiversThrift
@Pumpkinpuddy Zazzle products starring Pumpkin http://www.zazzle.com/pumpkinpuddy and Summer at Lake with Petie http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/1706628
@sparklecat Award Winning Author, Supermodel and Cat http://www.sparklecat.com/buy-dear-sparkle-cat-to-cat-advice-book
@colehauscats Quint's Art Shop http://colehauscats.bigcartel.com/ and blog http://www.colehauscats.com/
@Maxthequiltcat Fine Art American -Cat art work -paintings and photography http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/lou-belcher.html
TheCatPostIntelligencer Animal inspired images and acupuncture images http://www.zazzle.com/cocomeezer
@artedup Unique mixed media art specializing in pet portraits & keep-sake videos http://www.zazzle.com/thecodifyer and http://www.zazzle.com/piratekittycattoon and http://thecodifyer.com/
@killerparrot The Crafty Parrot Lady Shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/CraftyParrotLady
@GeorgeTheDuck's Typist - Handmade Crystals Jewelry with Meaning and Mystical Crystals - 33% OFF Small Business Saturday Sale! http://store.crystalsandjewelry.com/
@GemmathePuppy Gemma's Little Gems - Jewelry from Oz http://gemmaslittlegems.spiffystores.com/ and blog http://gemmathepuppy.blogspot.com.au/
@MizzBassie - Pets Need Pretty Things Too Pet Jewelry (and Humans Too) - http://www.silkenpaw.net/cats/necklaces.html and http://www.etsy.com/shop/MizzBassiesBoutique?ref=ss_profile
@SkeeterTheTabby Mom - Handmade Jewelry http://www.etsy.com/shop/StuffBySkeetsMom Check out 30% off sale
@Whskr - Textile and Chain Maille Handmade Jewelry http://www.etsy.com/shop/WHSKR Free Shipping Code palsrock12
@cuddlelop Bunny Burrow Boutique http://www.etsy.com/shop/BunnyBurrowBoutique
Pet toys, treats and supplies
@KritterKondo - Pet Enclosure and more - http://www.kritterkommunity.com/
@NipandBonesLLC - What Pets Want - http://www.nipandbones.com/
@ColoradoCatnip Homemade catnip toys, beds & more http://www.etsy.com/shop/coloradocatniptoys
@catshelfcompany Pawsome cat shelves! http://www.catshelfcompany.com/
@laineyspawtique Gourmet Doggie & Kitty Cookies, blankies and gift baskets http://www.etsy.com/shop/laineyspawtique
@cattyone21 A cats favorite ORGANIC Catnip toys! http://www.ilovegrandmakittyscattoys.com/ and http://www.grandmakittyscattoys.com/
@twittinSuki Furry, feathery cat toys http://www.etsy.com/shop/sukiroo
@k9carryall Custom made leashes and strollers for your pets http://www.k9carryall.com/k9/ and http://konascorner.wordpress.com/ Grand Reopening Sale 20% off everything coupon code K9go20
Winnies Wish Stuff ornaments that double as cat toys http://celestialkitties.blogspot.com/2012/11/winnies-wish-christmas-fundraiser.html
Sponsors and prize donations for Holiday Bazaar
Thank you very much to our sponsors that made donations to December's shelter in honor of this event. A big thank you to prize donors to help enhance this event!
A huge thank you to @HollieCatRocks for keeping all the details of vendors and prizes for this pawsome shopping event and to @danapixie and @mariodacat for non-stop advertising of this event!! And of course @georgetheduck and @shaynacat for logistics and writing help! Many folks have come together to create the most exciting shopping event on Twitter! If I forgot you, please beat me with a drumstick and I'll add you!! ~ @flacatlady