July 13, 2014

#NipClub British Invasion July 17th, 2014

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the animals at Milo's Sanctuary & Special needs Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

Well, the plan was, this week we'd take #NipClub Weekly to England to see the home country of #NipClub Monthly Manager @ShaynaCat. Maybe have her show us the sights, pawty at some fine English pubs, and open our #NipClub London branch. And definately enjoy the music from this great country. 

But NOW we have another reason to go. It seems that @ShaynaCat is locked up in the prison at the TOWER OF LONDON. And we've got to try to get her out. 

It seems to have all started when Shayna accepted the invitation of fellow Brit @DoggyMolly to go visit Buckingham Palace. And Shayna figured: "That's one of the most heavily secured areas on earth, even MOLLY MOO couldn't get in trouble there. 

And now, Shayna is in jail, Moo (@DoggyMolly) is wanted by the law, as is @MattieDog. 

Want to know how this all happened? Well, a picture is worth a thousand words, but these pictures are probably worth 100 years in jail........

@ShaynaCat showed up at Buckingham Palace early, and waited
for @DoggyMolly (Moo), who never showed. Where was she? 
And That's because Moo was already in the palace,
dressed as Queen Elizabeth, "borrowing" the famed
Royal Corgis to take them on an outing. 
She got them new "outfits" and took them out
to slam Bacon Beers, where one of the lady
corgis happened to meet @MattieDog. 
In the meantime, Shayna went to the Palace gate, asking if
they had seen Moo come through. Assuming she was Moo's
accomplice, Shayna was immediately arrested and hauled off
to the Tower of London and jailed. 
And it gets worse from there, a few months later, while Shayna was still fighting for her freedom, and Moo was hiding from the police, one of the Corgi's had this puppy: 

A puppy that looks a LOT like @MattieDog. 
So there you have it, we have to rescue Shayna from the Tower of London, Somehow get Moo's charges dropped, and...well...they don't want to put Mattie directly in jail...they want to take him to the VET for a little procedure first...that he doesn't really want. 

So come to #NipClub and help us come up with a plan to solve all this. Maybe you'll be dresses as a famous Buckingham Palace Guard, or British Royalty, or an influential British actor or musician. Or maybe you'll just come as yourself and help out. But the important thing is to come to #NipClub and have fun as we build a fun story out of this. 

@MarioDaCat & @RealFakeGator have gone undercover
as Tower of London Yeoman Warders to try to help the
rescue attempts for @ShaynaCat from inside the tower. 
@TheNascarKitty impersonates a London
Cop so we can "divert" the actual cops
during our rescue attempts.
Just in case things go wrong, @TinyPearlCat is ready to use
"alternative" methods to get @ShaynaCat free.  Doesn't she
look a lot like Diana Riggs of the Avengers?

Escape plans are ready.  What could go wrong?

Winston's Birthday!

If you need help with a special costume for the pawty, please don't hesitate to contact @RealFakeGator and his staff at #NipClub Outfitters. 

As usual our DJ's will spin their favorite British artists, and our chefs will prepare traditional English food, while our Barktenders will make custom cocktails with the best ingredients from all over the world.

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Shepherds Pie
Fish and Chips
Fish Pie
Roast Beef Loin with Yorkshire Pudding
Baked Game Hen
Royal Tea Service
Strawberry Schaum Torte
Garlic Buttered Flank Steak 
Toad in the Hole

Bacon Wrapped Asparagus
Beef Wellington
@TheNascarKitty's famous Roasted Rack of Lamb
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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Milo's Sanctuary & Special needs Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
To read success stories at Milo's Sanctuary & Special needs Cat Rescue  CLICK HERE
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1 comment:

Thomas Archer said...

Oh my Dog *laughs* I hope they're feeding you well, Shayna!

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...