December 27, 2014

New Years Day Pawty at #NipClub Jan. 1st, 2015

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the cats at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!
The new 2105 #nipclub calendar is here!!
Made by RealFakeGator
Printable on to 8 1/2 x 11 at home or send link to local copy shop
NOTE: #NipClub will be open New Years Eve with an open bar all night. Staff will be limited, so feel free to serve yourselves and play with the DJ booth is no staff is on duty. Then come back on Thursday night to continue the pawty with full staff.

Celebrate the first day of the New Year at #NipClub. We're sure you're still in the pawty mood from whatever you did on New Years Eve (many of you were probably at #NipClub). Well, why not pawty 2 days in a row?

We'll have the finest drinks and noms served by our talented world class barktenders, and the hottest music spun by our unequaled DJs. Bring a date, or come stag, just be there, at our new Times Square New York location, just a couple hundred feet from the world famous New Years Eve Light Ball.

Our new Times Square location. The famous light ball rests at it's base right outside. We'll keep last nights
New Years Eve Pawty going strong as we ring in a great new year at #NipClub

#Nipclub wishes everyone a Happy New Year
Barktenders @MarioDaCat & @TinyPearlCat wait for pawty-goers from last night
to wake up, so we can continue the pawty on the first day of the New Year. 

#NipClub urges you to remember, that you need to be safe when you indulge.
Drink plenty of water before, during and after pawtying to keep your fun
times safe and healthy. And NEVER drink and drive. EVER! 




All your favorite noms to ring in the New Year! 
Chef @TheNascarKitty offers up his special Lamb Chop Platter
and a wide spread of other favorite foods.
Sushi Bar
Chinese Buffet
Pizza Buffet
Southern Barbeque
Pot Roast
Roast Chicken
Gourmet Pastries
Endless Champagne for Toasting

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the cats at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
Black Cat Rescue on Twitter  HERE
Black Cat Rescue on FaceBook  HERE
Read More About them HERE
Follow Me on Pinterest

December 24, 2014

Christmas Feast Buffet and Open Bar #NipClub Dec. 25th, 2014

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the cats at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

#NipClub Founding Member & Head Barktender Emeritus  @MarioDaCat wishes efurrybody a Happy
Holiday Season. Whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah or something else, we hope you
enjoy the time with family and friends if you can, and have some good cheer and warm times.

Many of our #NipClub staff members will be spending their Holidays with family and friends, and we've given them the night off of work to do that. But just in case you have time, we will still open the doors at #NipClub, leave the bar open for you to mix drinks for yourselves and friends, and leave the DJ booth plugged in so you can spin tunes for each other too. We aren't scheduling any staff for the night, although some will show up anyway because they are just that awesome, but if nobody is behind the bar, or spinning tunes, here's your chance. Just step behind the bar and be creative, or jump in the DJ booth and toss out some tunes.

We'll have a full buffet of Christmas Favorites all night long for your nomming pleasure as well.

So, if you're around, come to #NipClub and join us for a special laid back evening with pals. And Merry Christmas to everyone.
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Fully Stocked Bar. Help Yourself!!

Honey Roasted Ham and all the fixings
Roasted Turkey
Prime Rib of Beef
Christmas Cookies
Egg Nog
Veggie Plate with Nip Dip
Fruit Christmas Tree
Cheese Christmas Tree
Christmas Pastry Assortment
#NipClub Manager rushing gifts for everyone to the club. On behalf of all the staff
at #NipClub we wish you a very Merry Christmas. 

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the cats at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
Black Cat Rescue on Twitter  HERE
Black Cat Rescue on FaceBook  HERE
Read More About them HERE
Follow Me on Pinterest

December 13, 2014

FESTIVUS at #NipClub Dec. 18th, 2014

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the cats at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

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To view the entire "Festivus Story" watch the Seinfeld Episode "The Strike" Click HERE for the entire video:
Still's a website that'll get you all the Festivus Knowledge you'll need: Click for Festivus Information

Throughout the evening we'll do all the Festivus activities.....around the Festivus Pole, we'll have the airing of grievances (in good fun only please..teasing OK..attacks are NOT). AND of course the Feats of Strength, where the "head of house" gets wrestled to the ground and pinned. In this case, whichever Manager is on duty..., @TheNascarKitty, TinyPearlCat, @ShaynaCat,  or @RealFakeGator...whichever one you can, step right up and wrestle them to the ground!!

What does one wear to a Festivus Pawty?...whatever they want, but it's often just whatever you would wear to a Holiday Pawty that you really aren't excited that awful sweater you got from grandma, or some outlandish outfit, or street clothes...OR a #NipClub t-shirt!! Either way @RealFakeGator and  #NipClub Outfitters probably has what you need. Just ask. Many of you already got "terrible sweaters" for last weeks pawty, so you're already set. 

feats of strength festivus gif

A few scenes from previous Festivus Pawties at #NipClub:

@TheNascarKitty wrestles @KingTuttiFrutti in Feats of Strength! 

@TheNascarKitty gets pinned by a #NipClub customer during Feats of Strength

@PepiSmartDog puts @KingTuttiFruiti into a Headlock during the Feats of Strength


@RealFakeGator takes this opportunity to air grievances
NOTE: Marta has since joined us #OTRB but she still visits Gator in
his dreams and heart, and shares his bed & brings him treats
@3phibotticelli`s grievances are weather related
@TinyPearlCat's grievance is too many pals go #OTRB & she insists this
stops, and that we keep alive the memories of those who have past!
@NancyCakeFace is dressing in her Festivus finest!
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The Traditional FESTIVUS feast:

featuring gourmet Meatloaf and Spaghetti!!
Festivus Ice Cream!! (Brown Sugar ice cream with Gingerbread cookie bits and carmel)

Festivus Chai Tea
Meatloaf Patty Melts with sweet red onion and Provolone Cheese

Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

Traditional Meatloaf

 Nip Meatloaf
Spaghetti and Meatballs

Sun Dried Tomato and Spinach stuffed Meatloaf

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Print and Clip out this coupon and hand out as Christmas Gifts!
(Don't give to people you actually want to talk to again..MOL)
(Note: for FESTIVUS newbies, there IS no "Human Fund"...George Costanza gives these cards as gifts because he is cheap and doesn't expect he will get caught. MOL.

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the cats at Black Cat Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
Black Cat Rescue on Twitter  HERE
Black Cat Rescue on FaceBook  HERE
Read More About them HERE
Follow Me on Pinterest

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...