April 7, 2015

#NipClub Invades Miami Beach for #NipClub Monthly Pre-Pawty April 11, 2015

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Gainesville Rabbit Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

#NipClub Headquarters, South Miami Beach Florida
@TheNascarKitty & @DCKitty went to the beach a few
days early to check it out, make sure the sand was sandy,
the water was clear blue, the breeze breezy, and the
sun sunny. Just to be ready for #NipClub. :D
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This Months #NipClub Monthly will be held on a Large Cruise Ship and a Desart Island. So why not come down to summy Miami a few days early and enjoy some time on the Beach. #NipClub Weekly will pawty hard Thursday April 11, 2015 on the warm sands of Sunny Miami Beach. And then on Saturday Morning you'll be there and ready to climb about the Cruise Ship to the #NipClub Monthly Pawty. 

And as usual @RealFakeGator and his staff at #NipClub Outfitters will be happy to help you dress in whatever beach wear you'd like.  And what's really great, is your costume will work for both #NipClub Weekly and Monthly. AND,  Of course, your own fur is ALWAYS welcome at #NipClub!!

@TinyPearlCat tears up the beach racing her Dune Buggy

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Our #NipClub Beach Bar may look rustic, but it's definitely
fully equipped for any drink you could imagine to order! 

#NipClub DJ's  are on hand to 
flood the beach with great tunes for your pleasure.

@3phibotticelli tries out her new shark surfboard
@germanshortair Banjo stands by in case Phi needs help
@Skye 613 busies herself looking over the #nipclub beach-side menu  
@DoggyMolly quality control checks the drinks from the beachside Tiki Bar

Beach Picnic Noms Menu:

Calamari & Scallop Casserole
CLAM BAKE with Sausage, Corn on the Cob & Potatoes
King Crab Legs & Scallops
Lobster Boil
Seafood Buffet
Grilled Salmon

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Grilled T-Bone Steaks
Grilled Bacon Wrapped Chicken Tenderloins
with Nip-Cumcumber Tomato Salad
Fresh Fruit Plates
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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Gainesville Rabbit Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Directly to Gainesville Rabbit Rescue on their site Click Here
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
Gainesville Rabbit Rescue on Twitter  HERE
and also HERE
Gainesville Rabbit Rescue on FaceBook  HERE
Learn more about Gainesville Rabbit Rescue HERE
Follow Me on Pinterest

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...