July 14, 2015

SHARK WEEK Pawty at #NipClub July 16th, 2015

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Averting Cat-astrophe Every penny helps! Thanks!

Humans all seem to get excited when Animal Planet has it's annual SHARK WEEK. But at #NipClub? Well, to us brave cats, dogs, ducks,etc a shark is just another animal to either play with or eat....

Your #NipClub manager has decided to try being a shark this week. 

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So this Thursday July 16th, 2015 we're having "Shark Week at #NipClub".  Some of us will undoubtedly be "riding" sharks, others will be fishing for them and eating them. And of course, some of us *shudder* like @DoggyMolly and @Lucky_GSD will probably bring one into the club to play with, taunt, use as a method of mayhem

Should we be nervous that @DoggyMolly is teaching her new pet shark to
"fetch" and rewarding it with whiskey?  A drunken shark.....oh oh….

@kittehboi is prepared to do what`s necessary to protect #Nipclub partiers

No matter what, we'll have fun. So whether you wish to EAT a shark, PLAY with a shark, BE a shark, or just watch everyone else mess with sharks while wearing your own natural fur,skin or feathers, #NipClub this week is NOT to be missed! 

So if you have a special Shark Week costume in mind and need help, don't hesitate to contact @RealFakeGator and his staff at #NipClub Outfitters. 
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Sharknado Australia with @LizzieButtrose

Sharknado Houston with @NancyCakeFace

Sharknado Wisconsin with @RealFakeGator

@3phibotticelli's take on the Western rodeo - shark riding

@mariodacat has a close encounter of the shark kind

@PankythePanfur's Shark float 

 Sharknado selfie

Bucky Badger (wisconsin`s college mascot)

Drinks and Nomms
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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Averting Cat-astrophe
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Directly to Averting Cat-astrophe on their site Click Here
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
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 Averting Cat-astrophe on FaceBook  HERE
Learn more about Averting Cat-astrophe HERE

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