January 8, 2017

Silly Night at #NipClub January 12, 2017

Let's get SILLY Jan. 12, 2017

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Everybody LOVES to read the "I Can Has Cheezburger?"  books, and look at funny animal pictures on Facebook and Instagram.  Face it, we all spend a great amount of time trying to amuse ourselves and others.

So this week at #NipClub let's share our funniest pictures with each other. Whether it's a "Meme" or a funny picture of you doing something goofy, or a fun cartoon or drawing, we can all share with each other. Of course since #NipCLub has some real characters, there are a lot of photos of past hijinx to share too. 

If you want a funny avatar, but can't make one yourself, just send your idea to @RealFakeGator and his staff at #NipClub Outfitters and we'll be glad to help. There is a Meme Generator or Icanhascheezburger site on the internet. Also meme generator apps for phones too.

Of course, as usual, your own natural fur is ALWAYS welcome at #NipClub too! You can just come and share a laugh or three, and enjoy our great funny noms and top shelf silly drinks and dance to the best "funny" tunes out there while our DJs spin whatever their goofy little hearts desire.

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While it's not "hilarious" it is definately amusing how many times
that @TheNascarKitty has "passed out" after hearing what @DoggyMolly and
@Lucky_GSD have pulled off  each week.

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Basement cat

Meme'd by @RosieandCheeto of tinypearlcat

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Noms and Drinks

Bacon Twinkie casserole

Coffee in meme mugs

Grumpy cake

Bacon Sandwich

Fruit salad

Remember to grab the new 2017 #nipclub Caledar PDF
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Funny Cat and Dog photo oie_image007.gif

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