February 4, 2020

#NipClub presents @TinyPearlCat The Heart and Soul of #NipClub Feb. 6, 2019

We will get a new charity soon. Please support your local shelter

#NipClub honors The little cat who could: @TinyPearlCat 

@TinyPearlCat arrives at work in style every day.

@TinyPearlCat always professional AND sweet!!!
@TinyPearlCat even delivers the beer herself if need be!!!

When @FlaCatLady & @MaggieTKat & @KingTuttiFruiti dreamed up #NipClub as a way to blow off steam before the weekend, and also serve various animal charities, there was no inkling of how big it would become.

The first week @KingTuttiFruiti & @MaggieTKat barktended and hosted nearly the whole 5 hour pawty, and I DJ'd for like, 4 hours straight. But anipals were interested. And certain anipals came to mind when we needed more help. We enlisted friends @MarioDaCat, @GeorgeTheDuck , @Kittehboi, @AutumTheDoxie and @BunnyJeanCook. They are always there when we need them and are the very heart of twitter.

But we still didn't have enough help to run the bar without wearing out our barktenders. One pretty little cat volunteered to learn to barktend. That kitty was @TinyPearlCat.

I knew TinyPearl from my other project the AnipalAcademyAwards where she was just blowing us away with her IT skills for photoshop, blogging, etc. We hooked her up with #pawpawty head Barktender @GeorgeTheDuck who gave her some training, but pretty soon she was outshining even the most experienced barktenders. Not only did she have a very unique service method, but creativity galore, making personalized drinks for tons of pawtiers, and even devoloping a menu of drinks. She was soon made Bar Manager. #NipClub is especially proud that Pearl was asked to be a #PawPawty Barktender. #NipClub staffers are among the most reliable creative workers on the anipal circuit!!

NipClub was growing, so I started a blog. Very basic...I was caveman as far as blogging goes, and FlaCatLady decided we needed a Noms/Drink menu to help customers decide what to order. For a couple weeks we sent suggestions to TinyPearl, then all of a sudden BOOM we had a Noms/Drink menu that's the envy of even more established pawties.

With @TinyPearlCat's help the blog itself grew, and continued to grow. Pearl added a game room, a store, DJ and Barktender pages. And soon TinyPearl moved us forward into a new era of catering. We debutted by catering @PandaFur and @PetieTheCat's wedding. Soon #NipClub become the "place to go" for personalized catering of pawties, weddings, meetings, and whatever else you needed. We provided all the graphics, barktenders, DJs, publicity, and hosted the event on our timeline. We did a LOT of very big events. 

As time went on, we grew bigger and bigger, often during our pawties "#NipClub" would be trending on  Twitter and sometimes we were so busy that Twitter would occasionally crash during our pawtys. Eventually the hosts of the original anipal pawty #PAWPAWTY asked us to take over their Monthly 24 hour pawties. None of this would have been possible without @TinyPearlCat. She went on to become our IT/Grpahics Genius and was made  my Co-Manager. 

Pals and Employees come and go. And we love them all, but from the very start til now and beyond, @TinyPearlCat is #NipClub's Heart and Soul. Each week she makes the blog functional, creates terrific graphics (we've since added graphics genius  Co-Manager @RealFakeGator to the management team), she works with the charities to create functional donation programming, she barktends for hours and hours, keeping everybody happy, and she's STILL there when the last pawtier passes out (She cover's each of them with a custom blanket).  And then she starts all over for the next week. 

Without her, there would be no #NipClub. And this week's pawty is for her. Treat her like the Royalty she is. 

@TheNascarKitty #NipClub Founder and Manager. 

Big thank you to everyone that helped, donated and attended to make it a great pawty  and raised funds for George's favorite charity. Over exceeding the goal!

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