April 27, 2020

Comfy Clothes Pawty at #NipClub April 30th, 2019

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Equine Outreach Horse Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

@thenascarkitty, coffee in hand and working at home,
plans this week's comfy clothes pawty, while in his comfy clothes.

Spring is here, but there's still a nip in the air (pun intended) and while the springtime sun is welcome and warming, it still feels good to put on some comfortable warmer clothes and "chill". This week at #NipClub wear your comfy clothes. Sweats, sweaters, pajamas, mumus, whatever you like to casually lounge around in. And, of course, as usual, #NipClubOutfitters has ALL the fashions you could dream of, so if you need that special outfit please DM @LampWireSlayer or @GatorJailBird and get those requests in. 

We'll have great music, and terrific drinks as well as some favorite comfort foods. See you this Thursday! 


ANYTHING you want from the Taco Bell Menu. 

Thin Crust PIZZA any kind you want. 

Giordano's Famous Stuffed Pizza from Chicago

Portillo's Chicago Dogs: Vienna Beef Weiner, Mustard, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, Neon Green Relish, and Sport Peppers served on a Poppyseed Bun and lightly dusted with Celery Salt.

Portillo's Famous Italian Beef Sandwich

WHITE CASTLE the original late night comfort food!!

AND all your favorite Coffee House Drinks, PLUS a full bar!!

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Equine Outreach Horse Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
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Learn more about Equine Outreach Horse Rescue HERE
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Fallow @OutreachEquine on Twitter HERE
Subscribe to Equine Outreach Horse Rescue on Youtube HERE

April 21, 2020

April 23rd Pawty at #NipClub comes with an assignment

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Equine Outreach Horse Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

In a few short weeks, we'll be celebrating an event SOOOO huge that it's cemented in the history of Twitter and the internet itself. 

The 10th Anniversary of  #NipClub itself!! TEN YEARS! Wow. So this week, there's no special theme. JUST an "assignment". This week, come pawty like you always do, but use the time to bounce ideas off each other for what the theme for our anniversary pawty should be. Super formal cotillion? Masquerade? Retro-music pawty? Beach Pawty? Something even more creative or wild? Put on your collective thinking caps, and  DM your ideas to myself, @TinyPearlCat or @GatorJailbird. The pawty will be near the end of May. 

As a special treat, I've gone to the Archives and am reposting our very first 2 months worth of blogs from shortly after the founding of #NipClub. Some of you were there, many of you weren't. But reading through these historical posts should be fun for all. Enjoy. @TheNascarKitty   

June 21, 2010

#NipClub now has a blog!!!!!

Welcome to the NipClub blog.

NipClub is a relaxing place to come have some drinks, noms, and of course Primo-Nip as you Pawty with your Anipal friends. Efurrybody is Welcome, and we have special treats for all species!!!

While we are a relaxed club.......we offer some of the most cutting edge viariety Music and Entertainment out there. Our Staff of DJ's offer everything from Oldies, to Classic Rock, To Country, to Head Banging metal. There may even be dedicated Fur-optional streaking hours.

Of course, if you feel like pawtying without you fur, you're free to do it anytime. The only rules here are to be polite and respectful, while you are getting your freak on. Cruelty and taunting will not be allowed.

Now come on in, have a Bacon Beer, Meowgarita, NipTini, and light up a Nip Blunt, or even use one of our 8 hose Nip Hookahs, and listen to our DJ's try to blow up the speakers and bring the roof down.

Have Fun!!!!!!!

Thursdays from 7 to midnight Eastern US time. Extra times and days happen, so watch the schedule!!!!

Late news flashes:
We are exploring earlier hours to accomodate European pawty anipals.

We will be CLOSED July 15th...BUT we will be open early July 16th as we host the Anipal Academy Awards Pre-Show Red Carpet Fashion Special and help them honor Anipal Authors and Artists. Some surprise Academy Awards will be given out that night too!!!

June 22, 2010

Celebrate GeorgeTheDuck's Gotcha Day at #NipClub on June 24th, 2010

NipClub is opening EARLY Thursday June 24, 2010 to accommodate our Friends in Europe. Join us starting at 4:00 pm (Eastern US time) and pawty through Midnight. And as a special treat we are honoring someone very special: @GeorgeTheDuck (details below). Learn more about Georgie at his blog:http://GeorgeTheDuck.com 

GeorgeTheDuck (seen above- Naked *gasp*) is celebrating his GOTCHA Day!! Nipclub is going to help. This Thursday is Georgie's Gotcha Day Costume Pawty at #NipClub!! Come dressed in a costume that'll make Georgie QOL so hard he'll Quack up a lung!!!

And don't forget presents, Georgie likes Fish, Fish, an occasional Fish, and, for some reason, NIP!?!?!

So dress up in something funny, and come give Ducky hugs, noogies, feather rubs, and lotsa kisses to GeorgeTheDuck!!!!

Kitties, remember, George may be a Nip Ducky, but he's OFF LIMITS....well OK, you can lick him a little, but no chewing, throwing or nomming.

We Love You George, have a Great Gotcha Day!!!!

DJ Schedule for Goergie's Pawty!!:

4 pm to 6 pm:
 DJ Lexi @Dogstoyevsky

6 to 7: DJ Fine Feline @Flacatlady Hour of Alt Rock!!!

7 to 8: Special guest DJ!! @MattieDog!!!!

8 to 9: The Stunning @CathyKeisha with her Dance Pawty featuring Cat Tunes for Now Cats!!

9 to 10: DJ Tiger Tommy @TheNascarKitty

10 to 11: The one & only Mr. Breeze @Kittehboi

11 to 12: Request Juke Box. Make requests to @TheNascarKitty

July 13, 2010

Special Night Special event!!!!

NipClub and Anipal Academy Awards present:

An evening of glamour, of dancing, nip, drinks, and fun. All during a special FRIDAY night nipclub!!! Friday July 16th nipclub will open at 2pm Eastern time as the Pre-Pawty for the AnipalAcademyAwards PawPawty.

Come walk our special red carpet and show off your elegant, trendy, super hot pawty outfits to our team of Runway Fashion Pawparazzi the Pink Pups (Princess Gwenie & Miss Busy Bizz, ) and the always lovely Meow_Girls. And maybe you'll even get lucky enuff to be interviewed by our special correspondants @RosieAndCheeto!!!!!!

Plenty of great food and drinks will be provided by the #NipClub's Barktenders and great music will be provided by their team of talented DJ's.

Later in the evening (around 7 pm EDT) @MaggieTKat will present honors to Anipal Authors and Artists.

Of course we have a few dozen FUN Anipal Academy Awards to give away as well. Come see who wins: "Most Likely to Be Banned From PawPawty" or "Best Use of Nudity as a Lifestyle" and a lot of other fun events.

Pawty 'til Midnight, then get some rest, because Saturday we start all over again at #pawpawty!!!!

Please remenber during #pawpawty to also search the hashtag #aaac because that will be a dedicated screen for the ceremony.

And PLEASE check out our speical charity (see widget to right) and help us fund Animal Cancer Research.

Thanks, and SEE YOU AT NIPCLUB!!!!

PS: a special thank you to KingTuttiFruiti and FlaCatLady for opening up for us!!!!!!!

July 21, 2010

WOW!!! What a Pawty!!!!!

My Lovely @DCKitty (Dominique) & I leaving the PrePawty to go get an early breakfast. We thank you for your donations to the Charity. Dominique is my muse, & the reason I am so passionate about the charity (see below in body of article).

Last Friday we opened for a special event. The Anipal Academy Awards organization used our club for their big Pre-Pawty and Red Carpet Fashion show, as well as presenting a lot of extra "Walk of Fame" awards and honoring Anipal Authors and Artists.

The Pawty went on, well after the doors "officially" closed for the night. I looked in at 2 am, and there were still anipals pawtying.

But the most impressive part, was that the PawPawty charity link started HERE for the weekend, and by the time PawPawty officially started Saturday afternoon (EDT) we had already met 13% of the goal.

As of right now, Anipals donated $1360 plus dollars to the University of Colorado Animal Cancer Research Institute. Every dollar was matched by an anonymous benefactor!!!

So because of NipClub, the Anipal Academy Awards, and PawPawty $2700 dollars plus were raised.

Congratulations and Thanks to all who donated. We have so many anipals who have suffered and passed from cancer, and this is to honor all of them. Perhaps someday, this tragic affliction will be under control.

This week #NIPCLUB is back to normal. Thursday, 7 to midnight Eastern. We will also continue our UK Version of NipClub Friday from 2 pm to 6 pm EDT. Come enjoy yourselves!!!!


 ( @TigerTommy)

July 27, 2010

Check out the new features:

We've added some new features. A Barktender page, so that you know who to look for when you're thirsty or hungry, DJ theme hours, and an entire custom menu of fine food and specialty drinks. Of course our talented Barktenders are also very talented short order cooks, so they can whip up just about anything your heart could desire in our fully equipped kitchen. Our staff is remarkably versatile and well trained, and we are proud of them.

Thanks, KingTuttiFruiti & TheNascarKitty.

Our staff, from Left to right from Top: MarioDaCat, TinyPearlCat, Kittehboi, GeorgeTheDuck, KingTuttiFruiti, BunnyJeanCook, TheNascarKitty, MaggieTCat, HankTheDoggy, CathyKeisha ParkerSKat.

August 12, 2010

SPECIAL THEME: Coming in a few weeks: (Probably Aug. 25th)

Put on your creative thinking caps....we're gonna have a special theme night!! We're gonna have the first ever (OK, well the first #NipClub ever version) of INTERSPECIES DRAG-CLUB NIGHT.
Huh? You say? Well, lemme explain. Nope, not DRAG as in boys dress as girls and vice versa, but DRAG as in COME AS A DIFFERENT SPECIES!!

Examples: Here's @TheNascarKitty as a Lion:

And here's @RosieAndCheeto's Cheeto as a Monkey:

Or @SeattleP (Jeego) as a NipDuckie:

And here's @BunnyJeanCook as a human:

OK, you probably have the picture. Whatever species you are...come as a DIFFERENT one!!

The exact date will be published soon. WE'd like to thank Mr Breeze (aka @Kittehboi) for this idea. Come join us for a fun, crazy theme night!!!

TheNascarKitty (Tiger Tommy)

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Equine Outreach Horse Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Like Equine Outreach Horse Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Equine Outreach Horse Rescue HERE
Direct dontate to  Equine Outreach Horse Rescue HERE
Fallow @OutreachEquine on Twitter HERE
Subscribe to Equine Outreach Horse Rescue on Youtube HERE

April 14, 2020

Space Pawty at #NipClub April 16th, 2020

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Equine Outreach Horse Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!

This is a very special trek into outer space. It's a combination of ALL things Space and Science Fiction. Star Trek, Star Wars, Space Balls, Soylent Green, whatever you like. Come out to #NipClub and explore the universe. 

If you need help with that special AVI, please DM @LampWireSlayer or @GatorJailBird right away.  #NipClubOutfitters has it all. 
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 Alien Juice

 Cosmic Cocktails

 Naboo Shots

 The Disintegrator




 Alien Fingers

 Space Craft Salami

 Worm Hole Dumplings

Cyborg Eggs

Vulcan Fries



 Jedi Pancakes

 Laser Dogs

 Saucer Burgers

 Space Pirate Pasta

Saturn Ringed Steak



 Alien Cake Pops

 Star Wars Cupcakes

 Trekkie Cookies 

 Moon Fruit & Candy Bar

Beam Me Up Cake

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Equine Outreach Horse Rescue
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Like Equine Outreach Horse Rescue on Facebook HERE
Learn more about Equine Outreach Horse Rescue HERE
Direct dontate to  Equine Outreach Horse Rescue HERE
Fallow @OutreachEquine on Twitter HERE
Subscribe to Equine Outreach Horse Rescue on Youtube HERE

St. Patrick's Day Celebration #Nipclub Thursday, March 13, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We are off to Irel...