May 31, 2022

70s Revisited Pawty at #NipClub June 2nd, 2022

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at NGO 9 Lives in Croatia Every penny helps! Thanks!

 The Seventies, the decade that brought us many things....Disco, the Funk revolution, 70's soft rock, the hippies of the 60's were still hippies...but they had slowed down and brought us the "folk" music revolution. And who could forget the music and television that you know you loved, but that you wont admit too, and can't catagorize? You know, Sonny and Cher, Captain and Tenille, the Partridge Family, Love American many more things you didn't want to admit you loved, but now you miss it a lot. :D Well this week at #NipClub we're rolling the calendar back so we can relive (or in many cases enjoy for the first time the 70's!! 

So put on those striped bell bottoms, the sandals, the flowing blouses, halter tops, funkadelic fashions, the casual suits with the big lapels and the open collared shirt...or even "nothing" (remember, Streaking was big in the 70's). Whatever you wish to wear, just ask @RealFakeGator & crew at #NipClub Outfitters and they can dress you up. Of course, as always, your own natural fur is always in style at #NipClub!

@MarioDaCat tries some "peace & love" with the
@Meow_girls Penny and Tippy. 

The Music:

The Top 100 Rock Songs of the 70s

The Television Shows:

The Culture seen through 70s V Commercials!!


Drinks and Noms

Beer in Tin Cans. Zillions of Brands

Triscuits with Cheese and Bacon
Fondue Pawties
Drive In Burgers and Fries were all the rage
Weird Casseroles
and Weird Things in Jello Molds

Wendy's Entered  the Scene

Taco Johns Became the first fast food Mexican

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at NGO 9 Lives in Croatia
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Check out NGO 9 Lives site HERE where there is more about them
Fallow NGO 9 Lives on Twitter HERE
Like NGO 9 Lives on Facebook HERE

May 23, 2022

80s Night at Nipclub May 26 2022

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at NGO 9 Lives in Croatia Every penny helps! Thanks!

For those of us old enough to remember the 1980's the vast majority of us look back fondly on a great time in our history. We were on the dawn of great technological breakthroughs, several new types of music were gaining a foothold (hair metal, new wave, techno rock, even early rap). America had elected a "tough as nails" President who'd go on to end the cold war and cement our place as a world power. The American car manufacturing industry....well, let's not talk about that MOL... and the movies! Oh the great 80s movies, that still stand the test of time today. What a time!!!! 

Anyway, this week at #NipClub we're bringing back the 80s for a night. Dress in your favorite 80s style. Be a "hair metal maniac" or a big haired New Waver. Dress as your favorite 80s movie or TV star. Or just show up and pawty. It's gonna be fun!!! 

@RealFakeGator, @TheNascarKitty, @MarioDaCat & @KingTuttiFruiti

Hollycatrocks, SeattleP and DCkitty



@IndulgedFurries Raven wants to protect her hearing while she pawties

@WinstonTabby flaunts his 80's new wave
"A Flock of Seagulls" hairdo. 

@Kconlon1 (Squeaker) as David Lee Roth of Van Halen

The US car industry was all but dead in the early 80s. And Chrysler's K-Car was the
saviour that our domestic industry needed to compete with the Japanese Import
economy cars. They were "interesting" little cars. That being said, @TheNascarKitty
still has the 1981  Dodge Aries K-Car his human learned on. BECAUSE not only
can he NOT sell...he can't even seem to give it away. MOL

Can you remember what this is from?

 Drinks and Noms

B 52 shots


Bread bowls

blackened catfish

Teriyaki chicken

Hot Pockets


Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at NGO 9 Lives in Croatia
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Check out NGO 9 Lives site HERE where there is more about them
Fallow NGO 9 Lives on Twitter HERE
Like NGO 9 Lives on Facebook HERE

May 16, 2022

Bar and Grill Cheers Night at #NipClub May 19th, 2022


Last week we held our huge #NipClub 12th Anniversary Pawty . And our graphics team and managers are still recovering from that.

So this week at #NipClub we're inviting you to a simple evening at our #NipClub Bar and Grill. An old fashioned bar like you'd find in every small town everywhere. 

Grab a barstool, listen to some great tunes, dance  your tail off, enjoy the best noms and drinks, and pawty with pals. 

This week, let's just pawty hard and have a good time!! Our barktenders and DJs will work hard to keep you happy and entertained. 



 Cat jump photo cat_leap_gif.gif 

You all rock! Thank you for being here!

See the Northern Lights From Our Alaska Club! #Nipclub Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! We're off to Alas...