August 1, 2022

County Fair 4-H Show at #NipClub August 4th, 2022

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at NGO 9 Lives in Croatia Every penny helps! Thanks!


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Everbody LOVES to go to the Fair for the rides and the great food, the bands, the races, the demolition derbies, but if you ask anybody what they remember most, it's seeing the 4-H exhibits and the Animals. 

So come to the fair, enjoy some great noms and drinks, some great music, and show off your 4-H project (if you have one) or just come and enjoy your friends projects. 

If you need help with your project our pals at #NipClub Outfitters will be glad to help out. Just contact @RealFakeGator and let him know. Perhaps you want to show a Cow, Calf,  Horse, Pig, Sheep, Rabbit, Chicken, Duck etc, or maybe you grew some huge vegetables, or rebuilt a classic tractor? Well, whatever your project is, we'd love to see it. 

@TinyPearlCat shows off her 4-H animals, her cow, her horse, her dog, rabbit,
chicken, sheep, lamb, and .....her @GeorgeTheDuck?

Blue Ribbon photo Blue_ribbon_1st_md_clr_7991.gif
@cinnimini2 Shows off her prized 4-H Vegetable Project
@TheNascarKitty shows off his prized FARMALL Super MTH
Widefront Tractor. Rebuilt from the ground up.

@Bea_Bells and her prize winning angus

@Dogstoyevsky Lexie is in hog heaven with her prize winning Hampshire

@dylcat1 and soon to be prize winning hen

@kconlon1 Jonas gets a kiss from his prize winning goat

Mary had a little lamb
@Meow_Girls Tippy and Penny have a prize winning little lamb!

@RustytheKitty shows off his prize pygmy pony
(NOT the one from the Frank Zappa song!)

@tinypearlcat shows off her prize winning cake

Fair Food:

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Funnel Cake
Bacon Mac and Cheese Sandwich

Famous Wisconsin Cream Puff

Fried Cheese Curds

Corn Dogs

Deep Fried Everything


Everything you can grill on a grill, grilled on a grill

Sno-Cones (with booze if you  wish)

And all your other favorite fair foods. 

dancing chicken photo chicken_dancing_chicken_dance.gif

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at NGO 9 Lives in Croatia
Every penny helps! Thanks!
Check out NGO 9 Lives site HERE where there is more about them
Fallow NGO 9 Lives on Twitter HERE
Like NGO 9 Lives on Facebook HERE

1 comment:

Katie Isabella said...

Love each and all and every one of you.


Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...