November 26, 2010

Huge Pawty for HollieCatRocks

The very heart and soul of twitter has passed to Rainbow Bridge, but in her own words it's "Not Goodbye, but See you later".

Very few of us can say we haven't been touched by Hollie. She was always one of the first to congratulate, console, hug, support, and reach out to all the Anipals. It almost seemed she never slept, because when you needed her she was there.

Personally, Hollie helped my Darling @DCKitty and her Mum & Dad, and myself get through the grieving for Dominique and learn to cherish and embrace the memories and joys we shared. When I passed to #RainbowBridge Hollie was right there comforting and supporting, and giving kind words to my family.

This was something that happened every day. We all took it for granted that when we were in need Hollie would help us feel better.

She sat daily with @TheRustCat as he was in his last months before crossing to #RB, and was there non-stop for @PetieTheCat when he was sick, and on and on. Hollie was just there.

The love story between Hollie and @SamTheCatRocks helped anipals realize that RainbowBridge is not the end, but a new beginning. Their wedding, and recent reception were huge events. Hollie is larger than life, and there is no doubt she'll be a huge asset to #RainbowBridge.

This Thursday, DEC. 2nd, 2010 #NipClub is dedicated to HollieCatRocks. We'd like this to be the biggest, most over-the-top pawty ever on twitter for our beloved Hollie.

Events are still being planned, but let's pull out all the stops for Hollie, Sam, and the Wee ones.

I'll make updates as we book entertainment etc..................

This Just In!!! The Shibbering Cheetos will perform a concert for Hollie at 9 pm EST at #NipClub!!!!! They will feature songs about "hawt girls". MattieDog says Hollie is his sweet, caring, kind friend, and an unbelievable anipal.


Special Charity for Hollies Pawty We have chosen to help @ChrisGroove1's family. They have always been their for the anipal community and have had some financial hard times. In honor of Hollie please consider a donation to their cause. We have a widget on the right hand side of the tab that will let you make a secure donation. THANK YOU!!!!

@TheNascarKitty ----Club Manager

November 25, 2010

TURKEY-Day Thursday #NipClub Thanksgiving Nov, 25, 2010

#NipClub Management & staff would like to let all of our customers know how thankful we are for your support. When @FlaCatLady, @KingTuttiFruiti & @MaggieTKat dreamed up #NipClub as a way to have fun & get ready for the weekend, while also providing charitable support to Animal cauaes they never imagined just how big it would grow. This is all Thanks to YOU!

We have easily become the 2nd biggest regular Anipal Pawty on Twitter & have provided well over a thousand dollars to animal causes in our few short months.

Our staff is 2nd to none, works tirelessly, and mosy of them also work for PawPawty, AnipalAcademy&wards &The Anipal Times too. They are our backbone..

We will nott be formally open tonight to give our staff a chance to enjoy time with their family, but the door will be open, and from time to time one of oir DJ's wor barktenders will wander in & mix some drinks & spin some tunes.

If noone is on duty feel free to gather here, use the free jukebox, & mix your own drinks. We will be back nexy week with a surprise theme TBA over the weekend.

We love you all.

TheNascarKitty Club Manager

November 15, 2010

Thursday Night In Honor of our Great Friend Ryker_Tyker

Our lovely, gentle, fun friend @Ryker_Tyker has gone on to Rainbow Bridge. It was very sudden, so please send your love and support to his Family & his sisfur @Allie_Kitti (photo above ). Here at NipClub we'd like to honor Ryker this week , so come hoist a drink to him, tellyour favorite Ryker story, and send your love. Our Rainbow Bridge helpers @PepiSmartDog, @_Bill_The_Cat, @theRustCat, @PuzTheCat @DayTriCat, @RudyCKat @ChatteMuse and many more are keeping him comfortable and happy at #RB so it's up to the rest of us to keep his family's spirits up.

Ryker's Sisfur (and his foe in many comedic twitter interactions) was adopted from a local animal shelter called Wayside Waifs and Rykers Mom is set to start volunteering there, so we here at NipClub thought it would be a great tribute to donate to this shelter in Ryker_Tykers name. We are posting a link over on the side bar, but you can also go directly to to make your donation.

#NipClub will be open Thursday from 4pm EST until at least midnight.

PLEASE remember to read the post below about the "BadBoyz & NaughtyGirlz of Twitter" Pawty. Ryker_Tyker would definately approve of such a fun pawty.

Let's honor our friend!!! *Raises Glass in the Air* *To RYKER_TYKER*

TheNascarKitty-NipClub Manager.


November 10, 2010

Nov. 18th Bad Boys & Naughty Girls pawty at NipClub!!!

@LeoPussMan and @FreshOtis, two #BAdBoyzOfTwitter have come up with our next theme pawty at NipClub!!! See their blog at

On Thursday Nov. 18th NipClub will be the naughtiest place on the web!!.....well.....maybe not THE naughtiest....@KingTuttiFruiti's Bachelor pad is THE naughtiest place on the web....but we're gonna have a fun night letting our naughty sides show. Even if it's just for fun.

So get your best "bad boy" and "naughty girl" get-ups on and come pawty at NipClub. Remember we open at 4 pm Eastern now and run til at least Midnight.

If you just wanna be yourself, that's fine too. We love having you at #NipClub no matter how you come.

Here's a few of our very own naughty boys and girls:

@AutumntheDoxie innocent pup or ferocius DJ beast?
@MaggieTKat Shaken, not stirred, but stirring up the heat!!
@MarioDaCat Mixing up mischief and shakin' his tail for the ladies!
@HOOKALOPES!!!!! Nuf Said
@_Bill_The_Cat livin' it up at the go-go club!!
@TinyPearlCat as gangsta as they come
@KingTuttiFruit plays the field, chasin' the strange MOL
@theNascarKitty fierce!!!!
@LeoPussMan bad boy biker

@FreshOtis Bad Boy Biker

November 3, 2010

NipClub HappyHours EVERY week starting at 4 EDT

Every Thursday we will be open at 4 pm for Happy Hour(s). Drinks are double bubble, some of our best DJ's will be spinning tunes and fun can be had by all until the official opening at 7 pm.

This club is perfect for UK anipals who are mostly in bed by the time we open at 7. Also for those who work at night, or have free afternoons, or just cant get enough pawtying in in the regular 5 hours.

Our after-hours, special event Manager @UsThreeCoons usually unlocks the doors around 4pm EDT, but sometime even earlier!!! The lovely and gracious @ShaynaCat usual takes a shift in the DJ booth too.

Spread the word and come have fun at NipClub HappyHours!!!

We are also looking for barktenders and host/hostesses to keep the pawty moving for these three hours. Let me know if interested!!!

Thanks, Tommy Tiger (@theNascarKitty)
Club Manager.

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...