January 2, 2011

2011: A New Year, A bigger #NipClub & More Tail Rockin' Pawtying!

by: TheNascarKitty, Club Manager

NipClub is still pretty new on the scene, but it's a heavyweight among the pawty's on Twitter.  That's thanks to all of our patrons and our great staff. I'd like to take a moment of your time to recall some of the moments of 2010 that make NipClub stand out. There are SO many, I'm only gonna pick a few that my little kitteh brain can recall.

Who can forget the start? After a fairly frustrating week at work, @FlaCatLady & son @KingTuttiFruiti approached @MaggieTKat about having a Thursday evening  pawty to relieve some of the stress from work. At that time, they also tried a Friday early afternoon pawty to accomodate the UK anipals. 

That first night @MaggieTKat hosted until she passed out from exhaustion, @KingTuttiFruiti Barktended for 5 hours straight, and @TheNascarKitty (hey that's ME!!!!) DJ'd for nearly 5 hours.  The next day I volunteered to set up staff & schedules and keep this thing going. @FlaCatLady eagerly accepted the help, with the stipulation the we never lose sight of our charity theme. 

The Friday NipClub never took off, but soon we added "NipClub Happy Hours" starting at 4 pm Eastern US time, each week for anipals who need to pawty to start a little sooner. 

MarioDaCat & his signature creation.

Soon we had a strong regular staff of Barktenders @MarioDaCat, @BunnyJeanCook @GeorgeTheDuck and DJ's @KittehBoi, @GeorgeTheDuck @BunnyJeanCook & @CathyKeisha. (Notice how George and Bunny are pretty versatile.

But then, one of our biggest finds, a gorgeous little gal named @TinyPearlCat offered to learn to Barktend....@GeorgeTheDuck showed her the ropes and WOW was she a natural. her creativity, style and demeanor made her absolutley indespensible. In fact she was soon noticed by @FrugalDougal's #PawPawty crew and made a PawPawty Barktender. 

 TinyPearlCat (bar manager-blog master)

NipClub was growing fast. We needed more staff. We added a lot of permananty DJ's and Barktenders so we could rotate without wearing anyone out.  The additional DJ's @UsThreeCoons, @HankTheDoggy  @MattieDog, @MaggieTKat & @ ParkerSKat, @Spike_Cat, @DogsToyevsky @PandaFur, and even the famous @ShibberingC's. But then we came upon two of our other finds that have gone on to be #PawPawty DJ's.  @AutumnTheDoxie debutted at NipClub, including several knock down drag out DJ battles with @KittehBoi, @TheNascarKitty  etc, and was soon asked to DJ PawPawty. 
My Bestie, @AutumnTheDoxie

THEN, from over the ocean we found @ShaynaCat, who's stamina, great creative intro's and hooks, and fun style made her one of our premiere DJ's AND soon she, too, was DJing for #PawPawty. 

And starting just last week, our  newest DJ, @HemmingwaysCat has rounded out our staff. 

We also added more Barktenders too: @Meow_Girls came on as weekly staff, and also @Tildatoo, @PumpkinPuddy, @PepiSmartDog, @UsThreeCoons, @MeisRoxyThePug, are all there to help us keep you satisfied with our trademark drinks and noms. 

That great staff is really what keeps #NipClub going. Our patrons come to interact with them. They are the lifeblood of #NipClub. @KingTuttiFruiti, @FlaCatLady, @MaggieTKat and myself thank all of them from the bottom of our hearts. Thanks for making #NipClub the best of the best. 

Events to remember: Who could forget our famous theme nights? There was "Drag Week" where anipals were asked to come as another species. There was an evening where we all came as @GeorgeTheDuck. We've have 50's SockHops, HOWL-O-WEEN Costume Pawties, Formal New Years Eve Pawty's, and so many other themes. And even bigger, wilder ones to come this year!!!!!


We've also had to memorialize some of our best pals, who've passed to #RainbowBridge. We lost the wonderful, fun @Ryker_Tyker so suddenly, but we pulled together and were able to help his family cope a little, and for Ryker to know how much he is loved. 

Then @RumblePurr lost his Brofur Inigo, and we jumped to action. 

We had hardly recovered from that when the sweetest, most poplular, loving anipal on Twitter left for #RainbowBridge. We were all numb with shock and tears when @HollieCatRocks was taken, but we knew Hollie deserved the biggest pawty we could ever throw, and her Memorial was huge. Thanks so much to TheShibberingCheeto's for performing and #BadBoyzOfTwitter & #PinkLadies for helping honor Hollie. 

I cant believe I went to Rainbow Bridge. But your love helped SO MUCH!
@theNascarKitty (Tiger Tommy)(Hey that's me again! MOL)  in the memorial portrait ( by @zaziart) that my love, @DCKitty & family had commissioned. Rainbow Bridge will not slow me down!

Of course, during the year, I, too, passed to #RainbowBridge. And all of our great employees and furiends put together a huge #NipClub Memorial for me. It is among the best memories of my two plus decades of life. Thank you all!!  #NipClub will continue to be a mingling spot between earth and RainbowBridge.

We've all laughed, cried, hugged, streaked, made happy memories, and consoled each other through hard times here at #NipClub. If we've made a difference in your life, let us know. We're proud of our little club. 

The Dirty Magtini, one of our trademark drinks. Inspired by Hostess with the Mostest @MaggieTKat

 I dressed up as a Pumpkin for our Howl-o-ween Pawty
 Cheeto (from @RosieAndCheeto) dressed up as @GeorgeTheDuck
 Mr. Breeze (@Kittehboi)serves up hot tunes and cold fish MOL
 @FreshOtis leads in the BadBoyzOfTwitter to their NipClub ride through!
 @DCKitty and @HollieCatRocks dressed up for our 50's SockHop
 These two cats couldn't help but dance When the Stunning @CathyKeisha threw a Dance Pawty 

@CathyKeisha shows us that the natural fur look is as stunning as any costume. 
For our "Drag" Pawty (come as another species) I came as an owl. 

Why not leave a comment and let us know what NipClub has meant to you!!

Love and Hugs,

club Manager.


Mariodacat said...

Great job on the blog. Lots of big things to look forward to this year. he he - like the voting thing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tiger for #nipclub and all it does and all the help it provides to the wonderful charities and for the amazing theme nights and amazing nip club that was in mai honor. you, your dad, dominque and her mom really helped our fambly when I crossed to RB. I love that the nipclub is a mingling spot for us at RB to earth. love and hugs xoxoxoxo

JustAnotherTrnd said...

DUSTY: We love knowing that there's a weekly hot spot to meet, mingle, and catch up with furiends.
HURLEY: Thanks to everyone who works to make #Nipclub such a special place. We love you guys and gals!

SnowyWestie said...

Wow! What a year 2010 was! To think of all the new friends made and fun places to hang out! Thank you for making #nip club the special pawty place to be Thursdays!

Honeybell said...

The #nipclub rocks as do all of you that do a great job helping us all have fun, talk, dance, streak, eat and drink and ohhhhhhhh that nip! Great charities too. I love the dedications for our dear friends that do cross OTRB but remain in our hearts forever! Love, hugs and purrs to all! Happy New Year from Mrs. Stripeybell and me~

Pandafur said...

Wat happenz at nipclub stayz at nipclub!

Lynx217 said...

We so love having pawties at #nipclub... we introduced our famous nip brownie bites, the nip blankies, nip socks, and starting this week... CATNIP SOUP! It's so furry cold outside for those of us up north that it's only fitting that we put some soup on the menu! It has all the delicious noms you'd expect in any soup but instead of chicken broth or beef broth, it's CATNIP broth! MOL it is PAWSOME! We were just introduced to it last week and we immediately knew we had to add it to our kit! *sigh* that kit has been to WAY too many porches in the last year. C'mon furiends already at the Bridge, SHUT THOSE GATES!

MeisRoxyThePug said...

I wish I had been able to attend more #nipclub pawties, I haven't been to most of those big events but I am expecting many great nipclub pawties yet to come!

Cathy Keisha said...

It's been fun working here as DJ. I only wish that you'd change that picture of me to something more fierce. That's my baby picture. I thank everyone who's put up with my playlists and aural masturbation. Pop said I'd never be invited back after my first night. I'm glad I was.

Shayna said...

It's a great privilege as well as a pleasure to be a DJ here at #NipClub - such a fur-iendly place, and so much fun, as well as doing such great work for anipals in need!

I really admire all the creativity that goes into making #NipClub what it is, but best of all is the warmheartedness of #NipClub members, who laugh together, cry together, pray together and misbehave together - a real community, where efurrybody cares about you and you never need to feel alone... and where else can you get @kingtuttifruiti's primo nip?

There's no doubt about it - #NipClub really ROCKS!

Ellie@STLSeniorDog said...

This group has made a great difference to St. Louis Senior Dog Project and for me. I am not even sure how I stumbled in to #nipclub, I was fresh in to twittering for @STLSeniorDog and found a great group that supported our small all volunteer rescue. Every dollar made a difference believe me. I brought foster dogs every week to pawty but then my dachshund @MoxieDaDoxie pleaded to be let out in to the twitterverse. And so here we are! Thank you!

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...