January 25, 2011

@CathyKeisha's 5th Gotcha Day Punk Rock Pawty at #NipClub Jan. 27th, 2011

STUNNING!!!! @CathyKeisha ME-YOWZA!!!!

My face is UP HERE Mister!!!

One of our best employees AND one of our sexiest employees, if I may add, is celebrating her 5th Gotcha Day!! And we're throwing a special pawty in honor of the STUNNING @CathyKeisha!!!

CathyKeisha is known for her stunning good looks, her fun sarcastic cutting edge wit, and her "take no prisoners" attitude. She has one of the most entertaining blogs out there, and even her Human (the Woman) receives no special treatment. Cathy calls 'em as she sees 'em and if that's a problem, it's YOUR problem, not hers. MOL.

But behind that brilliant cutting wit is a gorgeous, kitty with a big heart and she is beloved by all.

CathyKeisha has a pretty strong CATitude, and definately has a punk rocker edge to her. So we are throwing a Punk Rock Pawty  dedicated to her!!!!
Can you handle a chick as tough as me. Hells to the no you cant!!!

Our pawty for @CathyKeisha will feature all the great Punk music our DJ's can spin, plus a menu of CathyKeisha's favorite foods, We've added a new Chicken Rotisserie to our kitchen, as well as a Pressure frier, so we'll have both Ritisserie and Fried Chicken with all the fixin's, plus a vast array of Mexican foods, and Baseball Park food....specifically New York Yankee food, like Nathan's Hot
Dogs and the special Yankee's Garlic Fries....oh did I forget to mention, @CathyKeisha loves her New York Yankees.
Check out Cathy's special Catering menu by clicking on the "catering" tab above, or just click this link: http://nipclub.blogspot.com/p/catering.html .

We'll be pawtying for CathyKeisha from 4pm EST until at least Midnight!! Stop by, have some fun, and help us honor a #NipClub Legendary DJ. And what better honor could there be, than a concert by none other than the SHIBBERING CHEETO's. Cathy is a huge fan of theres, and they will perform a concert during her very own usual DJ slot 8pm EST.

I know a thing or two about hard-rockin' & @CathyKeisha rocks hardest of ALL
@TheNascarKitty-known Metal Maniac

#NipClub is also proud to be helping @CathyKeisha raise money for spaying and neutering animals at  A Call 4 Paws, the New Jersey animal rescue/sanctuary that she helps. Please see the donation tab to the right, and take a look at the  website  http://acall4paws.com Don't forget to mention that your donation is in honor of @CathyKeisha. 

If you want to know a little more about @CathyKeisha, see the TALK TO THE PAW interview of her human THE WOMAN that @MaggieTKat published in the Anipal Times. http://www.anipaltimes.com/2010/12/talk-to-cathykeisha-pattie/ AND check out CathyKeisha's pawsome bloggy 

See ya Thursday night my furiends!!!! 

Tiger tommy (aka @TheNascarKitty) Club Manager.

PS: if you liked that great TALK TO THE PAW article on CathyKeisha's Woman, take a look the the fine TALK TO THE PAW interview that @MaggieTKat did with my human @WisSmokeFan : http://www.anipaltimes.com/2010/06/talk-to-the-hand-wiscsmokefan/

Even sweet @MarioDaCat feels Punk this week!!

Yep, @TheNascarKitty used to be Sid Viscious!!

1 comment:

Mariodacat said...

WooHoo - this is going to be such a fun party. We just love Cathy and your description is right on - a little rough on the edge, but a "heart of gold." Happy Gotcha Day dear Cathy.

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...