October 8, 2011

An Open Letter to our wonderful #NipClub Employees & our Loyal Customers


From Tiger Tommy (@TheNascarKitty) Club Manager & @KingTuttiFruiti Proprietor:

Hi!! In light of some of the controversy and unpleasantness that has taken place in the Anipal Community of Late, We thought we'd take a moment to tell you all just how much you mean to us here at #NipClub.  

#NipClub has very quickly become THE PLACE to pawty for Anipals on the internet. This is 
ENTIRELY due to the hard work of our great staff and patronage of our loyal customers. 

KingTuttiFruiti, FlaCatLady and I want to reassure you that we will always "have your backs" and 
have your best interests in mind when we run this club. 

#NipClub was started as a simple "mind excursion" from the worries and troubles of day to day life, 
a place where you could hang out, do pretty much what you want to, and while we're doing it make 
some funds for worthy, deserving REAL animal charities and rescues. WE assure you that any an all charities that #NipClub presents are true and vetted charities.

#NipClub is the place to come when you want some freedom to do your own thing. Want to streak, go ahead, security wont bother you. Want to act wild?  You'll fit right in. Do what you like, BUT please be respectful of others.

If anyone bullies or bothers you, makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let any of our management staff know. Proprietor @KingTuttiFruiti, Club co-Manager @TinyPearlCat, Bar Manager @MarioDaCat, or myself will be glad to assist you.

#NipClub is YOUR club. You made it what it is, and WE are very grateful to you. 

Love and pawhugs, @TheNascarKitty #NipClub Manager


Anonymous said...

*Pawhugs* xooxox Lovely letter perfect! Ty for #nipclub

RainbowCatsX12 said...

We just found out about NipClub on the Tweetie and we're very happy & excited! Good times will be had by all. Thanks! RainbowCatsx8

Unknown said...

Thanks yoo fur sending out dis letter. I hope anipals will all be kind to each udder. We loves coming to Nipclub and we hopes everbuddy enjoys all da fun here as much as we does. {{{Hugs}}}

Mariodacat said...

Good leter boss. We hope everyone will keep coming back to Nipclub because it's been such a fun place to be on a Thursday night. We just want to have fun and help out some anipal charities in the process.

Prudence said...

Terrific letter buddy! We love coming to #Nipclub, let down our fur and pawty! Thanks!

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...