January 25, 2013

Puppy Shower for Macy January 26th

Please drop $1 or more for the pups of The Rescued Rescuers: Dachshunds and Friends of the Emerald Coast if you can.


A puppy shower for Macy of Rescued Rescuers 
Saturday 1-3pm Eastern

Details HERE about the new babies.
Puppy shower will on at #NipClub and also at 3 Dogs & a Chick with live streaming available here: https://new.livestream.com/accounts/2641952/events/1832121?help=true


Twitvite for Macy's puppy shower HERE


Twitvte for Eddie's Jester late holiday pawty HERE 
 So you can dress as a wiener dog wearing a jester hat 


For $10 donation in your name by @WinstonTabby
Guess how many bones are in here & DM @WinstonTabby

For $10 donation in your name by @WinstonTabby
Guess how many safety pins are in here & DM @WinstonTabby

Pop over to 3 Dogs and a Chick to place a bid on the puppy pad cake. Procedues go to The Rescued Rescuers

Nomms and Drinks

Pink Lemonade
Puppy Shower Punch
Pups in bacon
Footlong wiener dog
Hush puppy BOL
Doxie cakes


Rescued Rescuers: Dachshunds and Friends of the Emerald Coast Chipin CLICK HERE
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE.
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE.
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
To read more about The Rescued Rescuers: Dachshunds and Friends of the Emeral Coast

Follow Me on Pinterest tweet FB

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