July 8, 2013

July Birthdays & Gotcha Days Celebrated at #NipClub July 11, 2013

Please drop any $ you can into the tip jar to help the animals at Greater Charlotte SPCA. Every penny helps! Thanks!

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gotcha nipclub photo: gotcha day glitter gotchaglitter.gif
@HollieCatRocks July 31st
@WinstonTabby July 17th
#Nipclub's barktender @Kconlon1's Jonas is 7 on July 21st
Daisy and Gretchen of @Germanshorthair July 4

@Bijntje July 14
@Boriskitty July 4
@Flicka47 July 4
Hurley of @JustanotherTrnd July 24

@NaughtyChar July 9
@Georgetheduck's staff - Robyn
@ShawneeShep July 11
@WillowWiggles July 1
@DanaPixie July 5

@katieBoo's Staff  Birthday July 31
Meow Girl's staff Kathy Birthday July 15
StickyKitty July 9
 Happy Gotcha Days to 
NutmedTorby July 30
@MaxwellPurrs and @CavendishPurrs

@Hobie_dog  July 10
Theme of our Cake and Ice cream is Fantasy and Mystical

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Please drop any $ you can into the tip jar to help the animals at Greater Charlotte SPCA. Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE.
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
To read more about Greater Charlotte SPCA. CLICK HERE
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Swami Zoe said...

Wow Happy Birthday to all of you! Mine was July 5th. Me-Ommmmmm

Cathy Keisha said...


Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...