March 30, 2014

APRIL FOOLS Pawty at #NipClub April 3rd, 2014

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the One by One Cat Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!
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We all act Foolish once in a while. Usually by accident, sometimes for fun, and after a LOT of primo NIP and a bunch of Bacon Beers and Meowgaritas it's a really good bet we'll do something foolish. BUT there's a time of year when you are supposed to act crazy, play pranks, and just be a goof. And that's APRIL FOOLS!!

@TheNascarKitty filled @WinstonTabby's cubicle at the #NipClub
Office with backfired though...Winston had done so much
nip that he had the serious munchies and nommed them ALL!
@WinstonTabby got so high that he let us use sharpies
to change him into a "tuxie"...OK..he didn't let us...he was
passed out...but.....either way it's funny! 


Drinks and Noms

This Prank can be a lot of fun....or a lot of trouble. MOL

The "carmeled onions" @TinyPearlCat snuck into our #NipClub lunchroom.

Fruity Cupcakes... Not! Fire hot with mustard!

Litter cake, it really is sugar group.
So why not let us know what your favorite pranks are, and share with us what goofy shennigans you get up to. Pull pranks on your fellow #NipClub patrons, but watch out....I've heard that a gang of pranksters led by @3PhiBottiCelli will be on the prowl all night to play tricks on YOU!! 

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April charity is shared with Scifipawty
Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at One By One Cat Rescue Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
To read more about One By One Cat Rescue  CLICK HERE
One by One Cat Rescue on FaceBook
One by One Cat Rescue on Youtube

March 29, 2014

Who Played in the Spring Flowers Thursday Night

Just a few of our find friends that hung out at Nipclub for the Spring Fling night.

@TheNascarKitty surprised our new Bartender, @dylcat1 with a fancy new car.

Maggie with new kitten


Meow Girls


Also our new freind @clinicCat recieved a n nice corvette for helping out at a clinic.

Huge thank you to everyone that helps out and attends t help us raise fund for animal charities
Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue on FaceBook
Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue on Twitter
More about them Click on photos

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Thank you to everyone that donated so far this month. Great work!

March 23, 2014

#NipClub Spring Fling! The Place to Meet New Friends! March 27th, 2014

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the Danes at Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

Just what it the "#NipClub" you keep hearing about? What do you do there? Does is have a purpose? How do I join the fun? Is it Free? Is Anyone welcome? Can I help out behind the scenes? All of these questions will be answered later in this weeks blogpost, but first, let me introduce this weeks Pawty theme:

Yep, spring is here, on the calendar at least....I still have snow, ice and temperatures in the teens here, but the calendar says it's spring, so we are throwing a fun spring pawty for you!! 

What do you like to do in the spring: (dress up your avatar and let us know at the pawty). If you need help with that special avatar, just let @RealFakeGator and his crew at #NipClub Outfitters know and they will make that special picture just for you. Of course, your own natural fur is always welcome at #NipClub! 

Darlings of Twitter @TheNascarKitty and his love @DCKitty show you their favorite spring activities. Why not send us some of your favorite activities!! We love to hear what our pals from #NipClub are up to when they aren't pawtying at the club. 

On the beach outside their #RainbowBridge Beach Mansion, just relaxing. 
Relaxing in the garder that @DcKitty is so proud of!
Picnic and (you guessed it) relaxing at their special spot along Pacific Coast Highway

Tweet a picture of your spring fun to @TinyPearlCat, @RealFakeGator or @TheNascarKitty and we'll post them on the blog for everyone to see. Be creative, have fun, #NipClub is all about having fun. For a great cause. 




marie + ryker


Also this week Remember to say Happy Gotcha or Birthday to the March Babies
Click HERE to see them and get some cake
CHALLENGE: Make a New Friend EVERY week at #NipClub! 

Friends come in every shape and color. And sometimes the strangest combinations make the best of pals. We see new people pawtying at #NipClub every week, please make sure we all take the time to welcome them, show them the ropes and invite them into our conversations. Think of all the great friends you've met since you started coming to #NipClub.....please be sure to make every new pawtier have that same experience. 

#NipClub FAQ's

What is #NipClub...What do you do there? #NipClub is a virtual online pawty held on twitter each Thursday and for one full weekend each month. "Anipals"(animals on twitter, whether real,cartoon, imaginary, stuffed, or at #RainbowBridge) and/or their humans tweet back in forth in a pawty setting, while listening/dancing to great music and drinking "virtual cocktails", "virtual noms" and acting out fun scenarios.

It started nearly 4 years ago when Founder @FlaCatlady (aka @KingTuttiFruiti) and some friends needed a release from the stress of a hard week. Even if it was only partying on twitter, pretending to be smoking primo (cat)nip and drinking bacon beer, so they set up a short party (PAWty) based on the original twitter anipal pawty "#PawPawty" which was a monthly 2 day pawty that also raised funds for animal charities. 

They had such fun they started doing it each week for a couple hours, and eventually it grew into a huge 8 to 10 hour event each week with a staff of DJ's and Barktenders, their own blog, PR Staff, and vetted animal charities we sponsor each month.

Who runs this pawty? @FlaCatLady / @KingTuttiFruiti are proprietors and help steer the staff, watch out for trouble and protect our intellectual & proprietary properties, as well as checking out each charity to make sure they are worthy,honest, no-kill/no-cruelty shelters and health/help organizations.

Weekly Pawties and the blog are handled by #NipClub Managers @TheNascarKitty, @TinyPearlCat and @RealFakeGator, the Monthly 24 hour pawty is managed by Manager @ShaynaCat. We also have a Security detail to keep order, watch for "spammers" and help new pawtiers which is led by Sargaent @BrutusTheDane. We also have a huge crew of PR/Publicity helpers, DJs, Barktenders, Hosts and Hostesses, Prize/Game coordinators, and thousands of VIPs: Our Customers!! 

What do you do there, does it have a purpose? Basically as long as you are not insulting anyone, hurting feelings, or harrassing anyone, you do whatever you like. What happens at #NipClub Stays at #NipClub. Want to rip off your fur and Streak? Go ahead, management will probably join you in a naked lap around the club MOL. Want to get wasted on our Primo Catnip and top notch drinks? Go ahead, you wont be alone. Dance, pull pranks, have a "fart contest"(yes I wish I was making that up, but I'm not), dance on the bar, shoot off fireworks, have food fights, go crazy. Surprise us. 

As for a purpose? Oh Yes, from the very beginning @FlaCatLady was adamant that we would raise money for worthy animal causes. And we have raised thousands of dollars for our charities, most of which have been suggested by our customers. We have NO expenses or Administration costs, so EVERY PENNY you donate by "tipping" your barktenders and DJs  goes directly to charity. 100% . We are very careful to check our recipients out completely. We choose one individual charity each month, and other than a few very rare exceptions, we only raise funds for that group. While we'd love to help every animal in need, we have to stick to our monthly charity choice exclusively. 

For the protection of our donators, we don't allow anyone to use our #NipClub hashtag to seek donations or publicize their event without express permission from @FlaCatLady. That way our customers know that if you donate to a charity with the #NipClub Hashtag, it will go to a real charity.

How do I join the fun? Is It Free? Is anyone welcome? First...YES #NipClub is always free. We post links to our charity donation page (usually referred to as "Tipping your Barktender and DJs) several times an hour, but we DO NOT see who is donating. It is totally private, and we only ask you to donate IF YOU CAN. If you don't have any extra funds, we want you to have fun and pawty and help others have fun and stay interested in #NipClub.ANYBODY is welcome to have fun at #nipClub, human, animal, etc.  To pawty just get on twitter, search #NipClub  and interact with the other pawtiers make sure to type "#nipclub" with each tweet. (This lets everyone at the pawty see your tweets in their search window, even if you don't "follow" each other). Order a drink or some food from the "barktender", click on the song links the DJs put up and listen to great tunes, just jump in and join the fun. We try to have a "theme" for each pawty, so if you like, add the theme to your avatar (If you need help doing this just ask @RealFakeGator or any staff member to help you out). Stay a few minutes, or pawty until the doors close. We just want you there!! 

Can I help behind the scenes:Want to be a barktender? Think you'd be a great DJ? Can you help make graphics and avatars? Want to help out the "Acting Team" that keeps the themes going all pawty long? Want to help with PR/Publicity? Just ask any Manager (listed above) to get your info to the appropriate team leader. Even if you have never done it before, we will train you by pairing you up with an experienced #NipClub staff member. We always need extra help. 

See pals celebrating Gotcha and Birthdays this month!

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the Danes at Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

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March 16, 2014

The Roaring 20s at #NipClub March 20, 2014

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the Danes at Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

The 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. For the first time, more Americans lived in cities than on farms. The nation’s total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar “consumer society.” People from coast to coast bought the same goods (thanks to nationwide advertising and the spread of chain stores), listened to the same music, did the same dances and even used the same slang! Many Americans were uncomfortable with this new, urban, sometimes racy “mass culture”; in fact, for many–even most–people in the United States, the 1920s brought more conflict than celebration. However, for a small handful of young people in the nation’s big cities, the 1920s were roaring indeed.

@kittehboi & @mariodacat escort @bea_bells into our Roaring 20s Jass Club

So join us at #NipClub as we host a trip back to the Roaring 20s. We'lll hve great tunes, wonderful foods, topnotch booze and, of course, primo NIP. Come as a flapper, a socialite, a "dapper don" or "gun moll" (there wouldn't have been 20s Clubs without mobsters keeping the police away). If you need help dressing up, just contact @RealFakeGator and his team at #NipClub Outfitters where we can get you just about any costume you want. Of course, don't forget, your own natural fur is always in style at #NipClub.
@pixeldoggy is among the hottest of the flappers

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the Danes at Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!
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Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...