September 11, 2015

Directions to 24 hour Montlhy Nipclub pawty - Highland Games

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at Paws in Prison Every penny helps! Thanks!
Time again for the big monthly 24 hour pawty

#NipClub will be heading for Scotland to spend 24 hours at the Highland Games.
Saturday, September 12 at 2:00pm - Sunday, September 13 at 2:00pm (EDT)
To RSVP on Tweetvite CLICK HERE
To get to the monthly site for details about games, noms, and other stuff CLICK HERE
To join in on Twitter  just use the hashtag #NCHG

Highland Rocker photo Cow_guitarr.gif

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the pets at Paws in Prison
Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
Directly to Paws in Prison on their site Click Here
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
 Paws in Prison on FaceBook  HERE
Learn more about Paws in Prison HERE

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