December 4, 2011

#NipClub Dec 8,2011 Nov/Dec Birth & Gotcha Days plus Holiday Movie Dress Up Pawty

Yukon @MattieDog Cornelius is here to protect #nipClub!

The Bumble, Abominable Snowcat @TheNasCarKitty fights
Yukon @MattieDog and loses.

A newly nice bumble wishes you Merry Christmas!!

OMC!! It's time for another #NipClub extravaganza!! Celebrating Birthdays, Gotcha
Days, and Anniversaries for November and December PLUS having a dress up
pawty for your favorite Holiday Movie Character!!! Who will you be? Santa?
an Elf? Snowman? Flying Reindeer? Or just your own self in your own natural fur!
Or maybe even a character you invent yourself? However you dress (or dont dress)
you are welcome here at #NipClub!!

@TheNascarKitty gives Rudolf some pointers.

Whatever Holiday you wish to celebrate, this pawty is for you. If you dont celebrate a holiday,
then you can celebrate "Festivus-For The Rest of Us" MOL

@BadAndy_KityKat, @PepiSmartDog, @Kittehboi
& @KConlon1-Squeaker, in the funniest
Holiday movie ever.

@TinyPearlCat & @MarioDaCat in ELF

@PandaFur & @PetieTheCat as the Claus's

@PumpkinPuddy is Mowgli a Gremlin!! Oh My!

@SeattleP (Jeego) on a pawfect Christmas Card

@MarioDaCat the Red nose Reindeer

@PepperPom as Rudolph's Girlfriend

@KingTuttiFruiti as Frosty The Snowman
@WinstonTabby takes a Christmas Vacation!!

Holiday NOMS & Drinks Menu:
Sufganiyot (Jewish Jelly Donuts)
Hannukah Sampler Plate

Citrus Butter Creme Cake


Chicken Matzo Ball Soup

Christmas Candy Platter

Menorah Cookies

Gingerbread Cookies

Gingerbread Candy House

Gefilte Fish

Roast Turkey

Christmas Stollen

Christmas Cookies

Frosted Chocolate Lava Cake

Blood Orange Citrus Bars

Raspberry Banana Pudding Tart

Bagels with Cream Cheese & Lox (Salmon)

Celebrating Birthday and Gotcha Day
for November and December

Triscuit of @Liedertafel_Pdx

 @SnoopDoggDoxie  Gotcha  Dec 24
and his Sisfur B-day Dec 24

Snoop and GG protecting the home



Mariodacat said...

he he - we love those pictures - especially trutti what a far, jolly little snow cat he is!

Prudence said...

We love it buddy!Barooo!

A Tonk's Tail said...

FaRADaY: ooooh NOMMY! Blintzes & matzo ball soup & latkes, OH MY!

Mariodacat said...

OMC - I love the pictures. This has M and me laughing out loud. Well, I'm giggling only like a cat can.

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...