December 31, 2011

#NipClub New Years Eve Bash Dec. 31st 2011

Happy New Year!!!!

It's over. 2011 is in the books. 2012 is roaring in. It's about time!! We're gonna pawty through 2012 like
we've never pawtied before!! And what better way to start then to pawty away the last few hours of 2011!!

We've decorated #NipClub's elegant Grande Ballroom for the evening, stocked the bar with top shelf drink,
spent hours in the kitchen making gourmet treats and scheduled a great staff of Barktenders and DJ's to keep you pawtying into the wee hours of the morning.

Our Grande Ballroom awaits you!!!!


The Menu:
Prime Rib with Twice Baked Potato
Smothered Chicken
Stuffed Lobster
Herbed Fresh Vegetables
Peppermint Ice Cream
New York Cheesecake
and Drinks made to order


fireworks Pictures, Images and Photos

Your Barktenders for the evening:(all times EST)
6:00 @TiggyBean
8:00 @kconlon1
9:00 @Meow_Girls
10:00 @TildaToo
11:00 @PepperPom
12:00 @LadyGreyFox
1:00 til ? @TinyPearlCat
with @KingTuttiFruiti & @TheNascarKitty helping out all nite.

Your DJ's for the evening:(all times EST)
5-? @Dogstoyevsky
8:00 @CathyKeisha
9:00 @PandaFur
10:00 @GeorgeTheDuck
11:00 @LadyGreyFox
12:00 @AutumnTheDoxie with a Dance Music Set
1:00 @Flicka47
2:00 @TheNascarKitty with a Headbanger's Ball Set!!

#NipClub Manager @TinyPearlCat is ready to pawty!!

#NipClub Manager and his Darling @DCKitty arrive for the pawty
#NipClub Proprietor @KingTuttiFruiti arriving at the Pawty.



Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Wow what a New Years Party you are throwing !!

Mariodacat said...

I am so ready to pawty tonight. It's going to be the greatest fun hanging out with good pals in my favorite place. Woohoo - Happy New Year.

AdoptedMomToChazz said...

To the Management & Staff of #Nipclub, The place luks jammin'! The noms luk slammin! Can't wait to meet up wif all furriends for Rockin, Stompin, Swingin' NEW YEAR'S EVE PAWTAY....from Chazz

You gurls & boyz r the best. Be safe tonite and haf a greaat time...Chazz's Mom

KrittersThatTwitter said...

This is so amazing! All the pawties you throw are, but you have really out done yourselves! MEOW so excited fur tonight and the comfort food on the menus. Thank you for hosting such extraordinary events. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa, Madison and Abigail

Cathy Keisha said...

Why wasn't I axed to DJ????

M Dawson said...

Happy New Year and thank you to Nipclib, its DJs and Barktenders and its joyful company - you work and party hard for the Greater Good.

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