November 30, 2013

#NipClub Motorcycle Charity Ride Dec. 5, 2013

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the cats at Black Cat Rescue Boston. Every penny helps! Thanks!
@TheNascarKitty & @DCKitty cruise down Pacific Coast Highway
on their Honda GoldWing GL1800 SE, heading to the start
of the #NipClub Charity Cycle Ride
We all love the open road, the air in our fur, and  the freedom of a great motorcycle. As winter approaches parts of the world, we've decided to head to the southern United States to enjoy one last ride before a lot of us have to put our bikes away for the winter. 

We'll ride around and end up at #NipClub for a night of pawtying. Remember to NEVER drink and ride!! We'll offer you free shuttle service home, provide free parking for your bike for the night, and ship your bike back home to you over he next few days. 

As an avid biker, I plan to show off many of my bikes. I hope some of you can show me up!!! Let's see those wheels! ~~@TheNascarKitty, #NipClub manager~~

IF you don't have a bike, #NipClub Outfitters has connections and can hook you up with just about anything  you can imagine. Just ask @RealFakeGator and his crew to put you on the bike of your dreams. 

@MarioDaCat on his custom chopper. 
@MulderCat on his vintage Indian
Orange County Chopper's Paul Teutel Sr. & @TheNascarKitty on the
custom Lincoln Chopper that we bought to give to one lucky #NipClub
Pawtier during the pawty. We'll put you on it and deliver it to you.
@KingTuttiFruiti & @ShaynaCat head to the ride on their
Honda GoldWing GL1800 Aspencade.
@GeorgeTheDuck says "Go Big or Go Home" on his monster trike

@TinyPearlCat turned her Harley Ultra Classic trike into a Semi!!

Some of the #BadBoysOfTwitter & the #PinkAngels perform
motorcycle stunts during the ride, in front of this blast from
the past, the restores #ShibberingCheetos tour bus!

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 @NancyCakeFace shows her wild side

 @ReakFakeGator is a Wild One

@OwenTheTonk, @BeanObrien13 and @tiggywinkle21                                          
We're not a gang. We're a motorcycle club.

@squeakyelvis and @OwenTheTonk out for a ride

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Please drop any $ you can into the tip jar to help the cats at Black Cat Rescue Boston Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
To read more about Black Cat Rescue Boston  CLICK HERE 
Fallow them on Twitter HERE
Black Cat Rescue on FaceBook
Follow Me on Pinterest

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! This looks like some event. I gots my motorchomper..better get it tuned and polished up!!

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...