August 9, 2014

Directions to 24 Hour #nipclub Monthly Pawty ~ Tennis

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the dogs at Danny and Ron's Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!

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Directions to the main #Nipclub Monthly Pawty site is HERE Where you can find Games, noms, schedules and much more. 

To RSVP on Tweetvite click HERE

The Hashtag to use on Twitter so you can join in the fun is #NCTC

Starts Saturday, August 9 at 2:00pm Eastern, and goes 24 hours

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the Dogs at Danny and Ron's Rescue. Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
Danny and Ron's Dog Rescue on Twitter
Danny and Ron's Dog Rescue on FaceBook

Follow Me on Pinterest

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