September 21, 2014

2nd Annual TALL SHIP Regatta!!! at #NipClub Sept. 25th, 2014

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the dogs at LittlePaws Kitten Rescue Association. Every penny helps! Thanks!
Check out our 5 ships below and send a tweet to the Captain of the ship of your choice so we can get you on the ships registry. 

TallShips Racing!!! WOW!!!!

The majesty and beauty of these huge ships defying the laws of physics and racing is a sight to behold. This year's #NipClub TallShip Regatta will feature 3 Majestic Ships, representing The United States, Canada and Great Britian. Their will also be a spectator ship (which, traditionally turns into a drunken barge criss-crossing through the race course, and nearly every year we have been tormented by PIRATE's who try to hold up our racing ships, and steal their Nip and provisions (which are mostly alcohol MOL).


We need volunteers to help man each of these ships!!! So without further ado, let's introduce our ships, and their captains!! Then you can choose a ship to sail on, and contact your captain to get on the ship's registry. 

The Magnificent Pearl!! 
ships registry United States.

The Pride of America, the MAGNIFICENT PEARL. If you wish to sail on this ship, please contact one of the co-Captain @TinyPearlCat


The Canadian Princess
Ships Registry British Columbia & Alberta Canada
A beautiful ship from beautiful Canada!! If you wish to sail on this ship please contact co-Captains @HollieCatRocks and @AutumnTheDoxie


The HMS Shayna
Ships Registry: Great Britain
The Pride of Great Britain!! If you wish to sail on the HMS Shayna contact Captain @ShaynaCat


Three Sheets To The Wind
Ships registry South Beach Florida
Race Spectator Pawty Boat

To sail on our "Drunken Pawty Boat" please contact Captain @WinstonTabby. This boat isn't in the race, it's just a sightseeing and pawtying boat. Dont worry, Winston has the best AutoPilot & GPS money can buy to actually steer this boat safely after Captain & Crew are Three Sheets to the wind!!

Crew: @GeorgeTheDuck @FlaCatlady @MattieDog ....and many more pals.


The Black Paw
Pirate Mayhem Ship

To Be a Pirate on The Black Paw contact Pirate Captain @OwenTheTonk or Pirate Captain @Kittenboi.

The ruthless pirate Captains @Kittehboi & @OwenTheTonk


Of course, #NipClub is also known for the BEST of Drinks, Noms and Music, so we have a Barktender Ship which will deliver great food and drink right to your boat!!! And we have a Pirate Radio Broadcast Ship where our great DJ's will transmit great music right through your ships Radios!!

Great Tunes broadcast from #NipClub Radio Ship

@TinyPearlCat shows off our new Catering boat.
We WILL get your drinks & noms to your ship!!

Tons of supplies shipped to the racing site including Nip, bacon, Rum and sea sickness meds

New to #Nipclub?
Let one of our hosts show you the ropes (and we don`t mean the tall ship rigging)

                                   @3phibotticelli`s Sadie                             @skye613

@germanshorthair`s Banjo

                                         @msmollyyoda                                  @doggymolly

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the Dogs at LittlePaws Kitten Rescue Association.   Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
Little Paws Kitten Rescue Association on FaceBook

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