September 6, 2014

Back to School Alma Mater Pawty Sept. 11, 2014

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the dogs at LittlePaws Kitten Rescue Association. Every penny helps! Thanks!

This week at #NipClub we are revisiting a theme from a year ago. It's once again time for the kids to go  back to school and college. We used this theme last year, and many of us dressed up in our alma-mater's colors to honor their favorite school. This will make it easy on @RealFakeGator and #NipClub Outfitters because most of us have last years costumes already, and he's really busy with #NipClub Monthly which takes place this weekend in Australia!! (See Link and info on the bottom of this page) If you need a special costume, please let @TheNascarKitty or @TinyPearlCat know as we are helping @RealFakeGator this busy week.

@Kittehboi, @TheNascarKitty, @_Bill_The_Cat, @MarioDaCat,
@KingTuttiFruiti @RealFakeGator & @PepiSmartDog pay a visit to
their old frat house....scene of so many foggy memories....

As the last of summer slides on past us, it's time to head back to college. And "of course" we are all in college to learn....and to Pawty. So put on your favorite College sweater, sports equipment, cheerleader outfit, ROTC dress uniform, professors lab coat, toga, Beer Hat  or whatever you loved best about your favorite college and come pawty with us!!
Where there's smoke, there's fire, and explosions.....
just another day in Freshman chemistry class with @doggymolly and @3phibotticelli

@NancyCakeFace is this fall's best dressed coed
Student nurse @mariethetabby has brains and beauty
@MadLabM is majoring in bacon
@3phibotticelli wrangles the team Mascot

@WinstonTabby has a different college memory than a lot of us MOL

@RealFakeGator helps @OwentheTonk and @TinyPuggle
support the Tigers

grass college cat gif photo grasskittensgif_zps152c9b58.gif

College Food Menu

Mac & Cheese has kept many a college student alive
Eat for a week for only $3.00 with Ramen Pride
Of course, you need to keep keep those kegs cold! 
Microwave cake

For late night, the coffee machine

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help the Dogs at LittlePaws Kitten Rescue Association.   Every penny helps! Thanks!
For Direct Donation Link for SmartPhones CLICK HERE
To Donate directly on the charity's site CLICK HERE
Please let them know it is a #Nipclub related donation so we can add that to our final total.
Little Paws Kitten Rescue Association on FaceBook

Follow Me on Pinterest

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Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...