May 15, 2011

#NipClub celebrates Dynamic Duos featuring birthday boys @FreshOtis & @TigerBoyTheCat May 19th, 2011

Batman & Robin

Franks and Beans

Macaroni And Cheese
@KingTuttiFruiti @TheNascarKitty & some #NIP!!!

Surf and Turf

Yep, some things just work better paired up. What would Simon be without Garfunkel? What would Grand Funk be without their Railroad? What would @KingTuttiFruiti be without his NipCigars?

It's not even imaginable is it? So why try!! Join us at #NipClub May 19th and help us honor the birthdays of another great duo.....Those #BadBoysOfTwitter @FreshOtis & @TigerBoyTheCat

Dynamic Duo @FreshOtis & @TigerBoyTheCat in a rare moment of
good-behaviour. Usually these wild boys are pawtying!! MOL

HERE IS THE OFFICIAL Tweetvite: Please RSVP!!!!

Come in your natural fur (ALWAYS welcome at #NipClub) or pair up with a buddy and come as a Dynamic Duo, or be really creative and DRESS up as a combination of something (but be warned...if you come dressed as Macaroni & Cheese or Surf and Turf you may get nommed!! MOL.

I'm bravely dressed as Macaroni
and Cheese to give you an idea of
what you could do. PLEASE DONT

@KingTuttiFruiti & @TheNascarKitty sure do look familiar as this dynamic duo!!!


Bad Andy said...

WoooHOOOOO - duo birthday pawty! Gonna be a riot! Happy Birthday Otis and TigerBoy! :)

Mr. Breeze said...

Purrrr Da best dynamic duo on da menu - Surf and Turf! Can't wait!

Skiing in Aspen, Colorado! #Nipclub Thursday, February 20, 2024

Please drop any $ you can into the Tip Jar to help pets at  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary   Every penny helps! Thanks! Tommy and Dominique h...